Wanderer (Scaramouche) is receiving a rerun in Genshin Impact version 4.6 phase 2. Here are the ascension and talent level-up materials for the unit.
Wanderer used to be one of the Fatui Harbingers in Genshin Impact before he joined hands with the Dendro Archon Nahida and redeemed himself. However, irrespective of his status in the story, he is one of the most fun units to play with.
His playstyle is unique and his damage output is not bad either. So, if you are looking to pull for Wanderer in Genshin Impact during his rerun in version 4.6, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s all you need to know about his ascension and talent level-up materials.
Wanderer is receiving a rerun in Genshin Impact 4.6
Wanderer ascension materials in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact’s Wanderer needs access to Vayuda Turquoise Silver and its upgrades, Old Handguard, Kageuchi Handguard, Famed Handguard, Perpetual Caliber, and Rukkhashava Mushrooms. Vayuda Turquoise Silver and its upgrades can be farmed from any Anemo world boss such as the Anemo Hypostasis.
Old Handguard and its upgrades can be farmed from the Nobushi enemies in Inazuma. Rukkhashava Mushroom can be collected from Sumeru. Finally, Perpetual Caliber is dropped by the Aeonblight Drake world boss in Sumeru.
The total number of materials he will need to ascend until level 90 is as follows:
Additionally, you will need 420,000 Mora and 420 Hero’s Wit to ascend him all the way to level 90.
Where to farm Wanderer ascension materials
Wanderer’s ascension materials are spread all over Tevyat and you will have to spend a considerable amount of time farming them. Here are the various locations to farm for Wanderer’s ascension materials.
Anemo Hypostasis
Anemo Hypostasis can be used to farm for Wanderer’s crystals
The Anemo Hypostasis will be the primary source of Vayura Turquoise Silver and its upgrades in Genshin Impact. You can find it in Mondstadt. All you need to do is teleport to the nearest waypoint in Stormbearer Mountains as shown in the image above and then travel North.
Old Handguard, Kageuchi Handguard, and Famed Handguard
Nobushi can be found all across Inazuma
The Handguards can be farmed by defeating the Nobushi enemy in Inazuma. While they are spread all across Inazuma, you can locate them easily by using the enemy handbook from the menu. All you need to do is press “Esc” on your Keyboard and look for “Adventurer’s Handbook“.
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Once it opens, go to enemies and look for Nobushi as shown in the image above. Click on Navigate, and the game will show you the locations automatically as you defeat them in the marked locations.
Rukkhashava Mushrooms
Rukkhashava Mushroom locations Genshin Impact
The Rukkhashava Mushroom can be found all over the forest area of Sumeru. However, the areas where it is available in abundance are Lokapala Jungle, around Visuddha Field, Ashavan Realm, and to the South East section of Ardravi Valley.
The areas marked in red in the above image are the locations where Rukkhashava Mushrooms are abundant.
Aeonblight Drake
Aeonblight Drake is located in Ardravi Valley
The Aeonblight Drake is located in Ardravi Valley in Sumeru. In order to reach it, teleport to the Devantaka Mountain as shown in the image above. From here, turn around and you will notice an opening to a cave.
Walk inside the cave, take a right, and keep moving straight. This will take you directly to the Aeonblight Drake.
Wanderer Talent level-up materials in Genshin Impact
Wanderer’s talents in Genshin Impact require Teachings of Praxis and its upgrades, Old Handguard, Kageuchi Handguard, Famed Handguard, and Daka’s Bell. Among these, the last one can be farmed from the Scaramouche boss challenge in Sumeru.
The total number of materials you need to ascend every Wanderer skill to level 10 are as follows:
You will also need around 4.8 million Mora to ascend all the active talents to level 10.
Where to farm Wanderer talent level-up materials
Teachings of Praxis, Guide to Praxis, Philosophies of Praxis
Steeple of Ignorance is located in Sumeru
Teachings of Praxis and his upgrades can be farmed from the Steeple of Ignorance domain in Sumeru. This can be found in Chatrakam Cave as shown in the image above. The talent books are available for farming on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Scaramouche boss fight
Scaramouche boss fight is needed for Wanderer’s ascension materials
You need the Scaramouche boss fight to get access to Daka’s Bell. This boss fight can be found in the Joururi Workshop domain in Chinvat Ravine. You also need to complete the Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies quest in Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V for this boss fight domain to show up on the map.
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