All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

Joe Pring

All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

  • 1

    Seasonal weapons

  • 2

    Trials of Osiris weapons

  • 3

    Ritual activity weapons (Crucible, Vanguard, Gambit)

  • 4

    Exotic weapons

    • Lodestar

    • Barrow-Dyad

  • 5

    Vault of Glass reprised raid weapons

  • 6

    Season of Arrivals reprised weapons

  • 7

    New Weapon perks

  • 8

    New Weapon Origin Traits

Episode Heresy brings sweeping changes to Destiny 2’s meta with balance changes and a colossal cache of new weapons spread across the entire sandbox.

Like previous Episodes, Heresy is split into three Acts, each introducing additional weapons over the course of several months. We’ve been keeping tabs on all of Bungie’s pre-release streams and TWID posts to compile every known weapon coming with Act 1 and beyond, including seasonal gear, reprisals, Exotics, and more.

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As with all major Destiny 2 updates, PvE and PvP metas will take some time to settle, especially when factoring in a suite of new Artifact perks. We’ll have plenty of meta commentary to come but for now, here’s what you’ll be hunting for throughout Heresy.

Seasonal weapons

Four weapons will be available through Heresy Act 1’s seasonal activity, The Nether. We’ll have the full list of available perks for each when the Episode goes live, but for now, we know the names of two, Adamantite and Psychopomp.

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The former is a support frame Auto Rifle similar to The Final Shape’s No Hesitation while the latter is an area denial frame Arc Grenade Launcher that fires multiple projectiles per round and can roll the new Bolt Charge synergy perk, Rolling Storm.

All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

Four seasonal weapons will be available in Heresy Act 1,

Trials of Osiris weapons

In addition to deploying a complete rework of Trials of Osiris in Episode Heresy, Bungie’s adding two weapons to the PvP activity’s loot table.

One of these is a reprised version of Void Hand Cannon Exalted Truth with new perks while the other is Keen Thistle, a brand new Solar Sniper Rifle. See the table below for all of the perks each can roll.


Destiny 2’s weakest subclass is getting a major overhaul in Episode Heresy

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All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

Keen Thistle is a brand new Sniper Rifle coming in Episode Heresy.

Weapon Archetype Perk 1 Perk 2
Keen Thistle Solar Sniper Rifle
Snapshot Sights
Lone Wolf
Under Pressure
Envious Arsenal
Triple Tap
Opening Shot
Closing Time
Bait and Switch
Moving Target
Vorpal Weapon
Fourth Times the Charm
Exalted Truth Void Hand Cannon
Lone Wolf
Destabilizing Rounds
Moving Target
Zen Moment
Keep Away
Withering Gaze
Eye of the Storm
Opening Shot
Precision Instrument
Magnificent Howl
One for All
Repulsor Brace

Ritual activity weapons (Crucible, Vanguard, Gambit)

New loot for all of Destiny 2’s core ritual activities provides plenty of reasons to revisit Crucible, Vanguard Ops, and Gambit. Among these new tools of destruction are Lotus-Eater, a Void rocket sidearm, and Redrix’s Estoc, the first Legacy PR-55 Frame Pulse Rifle to be added since 2021’s 30th Anniversary update.

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Rounding out the above are is the return of Palindrome as a Nightfall-exclusive drop and Arc Rapid-Fire Glaive Joxer’s Longsword, available through Gambit. See the table below for every Heresy ritual weapon and their respective perk pools.

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All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

DexertoRedrix’s Estoc joins BXR-55 Battler as a Legacy PR-55 archetype.

Weapon Archetype Perk 1 Perk 2
Lotus-Eater Void Sidearm
(Rocket-Assisted Frame)
Shoot to Loot
Beacon Rounds
Feeding Frenzy
Repulsor Brace
Destabilizing Rounds
High Ground
Box Weaken
Adrenaline Junky
One for All
The Palindrome Arc Hand Cannon
Closing Time
Elemental Capacitor
Explosive Payload
To the Pain
Magnificent Howl
Snapshot Sights
Master of Arms
Opening Shot
Desperate Measures
Cynosure Strand Rocket Launcher
Envious Arsenal
Field Prep
Tracking Module
Sympathetic Arsenal
Impulse Amplifier
Ambitious Assassin
Clown Cartridge
Danger Zone
Chain Reaction
Explosive Light
Cluster Bomb
Lasting Impression
Adrenaline Junkie
Desperate Measures
High Ground
Backfang Arc Glaive
Impulse Amplifier
Beacon Rounds
Grave Robber
Immovable Object
Tilting at Windmills
Shot Swap
Steady Hands
Replenishing Aegis
Field Prep
Lead from Gold
Vorpal Weapon
Unstoppable Force
Close to Melee
Desperate Measure
Adrenaline Junkie
Joxer’s Longsword Void Pulse Rifle
(Heavy Burst)
Closing Time
Killing Wind
Gutshot Straight
Lone Wolf
Enlightened Action
Rewind Rounds
Repulsor Brace
Shoot to Loot
Adrenaline Junkie
Desperate Measures
Destabilizing Rounds
Withering Gaze
High Impact Reserves
Under Pressure
One for All
Zen Moment
Redrix’s Estoc Stasis Pulse Rifle
(Legacy PR-55 Frame)
Lone Wolf
Perpetual Motion
Zen Moment
Offhand Strike
Desperate Measures
Sword Logic
Rapid Hit
Kill Clip

Exotic weapons


All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

Lodestar is Destiny 2’s first primary ammo Trace Rifle.

  • Weapon Type: Trace Rifle
  • Element: Arc
  • Exotic Perks: Arc Alignment, Starlight Beam
  • Catalyst: TBD
  • How to get: Reach level 1 on the Premium Season Pass or Level 40 on the Free Season Pass

Lodestar is Episode Heresy’s seasonal Exotic earned by ranking up in the Premium Pass and has a few unique traits worthy of distinction. First and foremost, the Arc Trace Rifle is the first of its kind to use primary rather than special or heavy ammo and utilizes two different firing modes.

Similar to Vex Mythoclast, defeating opponents will build a gauge which, when full, will temporarily grant access to further benefits, including the ability for Lodestar’s beam to continuously apply Jolt to targets.

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All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

  • Weapon Type: Submachine Gun
  • Element: Strand
  • Exotic Perks: Taken Divergence, Panic Response
  • Catalyst: TBD
  • How to get: TBD

Not much is currently known about Barrow-Dyad beyond its Strand element and in-built ability to automatically reload. Panic Response, the Exotic SMG’s intrinsic trait, allows the build-up of blight through damage. Reloading the weapon with stored blight will convert any stored into Blighted Seekers that automatically target and penetrate enemies.

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Bungie hasn’t revealed how Guardians will obtain Barrow-Dyad, but it’s likely to be a reward either from Heresy’s Sundered Doctrine dungeon or an as-yet unannounced Exotic Mission.

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Vault of Glass reprised raid weapons

The entire suite of weapons available through Vault of Glass receives crafting in Episode Heresy in addition to refreshed perk pools.

If you’re intending to hunt down Red Borders as soon as Heresy drops, check out our loot table to help you decide which encounters to farm while the raid is in the featured rotation.

All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

The entire Vault of Glass arsenal gets refreshed perks and weapon crafting.

Season of Arrivals reprised weapons

Five weapons from Season of Arrivals have been reprised for Episode Heresy, all of which boast new perk combos. The following will be earnable through Episode Heresy activities:

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  • False Promises – Kinetic Auto Rifle (High-Impact)
  • Whispering Slab – Kinetic Bow (Lightweight)
  • Cold Denial – Kinetic Pulse Rifle (High-Impact)
  • Hollow Words – Arc Fusion Rifle (Precision)
  • Temptation’s Hook – Arc Sword (Caster)

All new weapons in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1

Five weapons from Season of Arrivals have been reprised with new perks.

New Weapon perks

As with previous Episodes, a host of new perks aimed at shaking up Destiny 2’s meta arrive in Heresy. So far, we only know of one perk but will update this list when the update goes live.

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  • Rolling Storm: Final blows grant Bolt Charge. While amplified, final blows grant additional Bolt Charge.

New Weapon Origin Traits

Two Origin traits, Timelost Magazine and Willing Vessel arrive with Heresy, available on exclusively on Vault of Glass and seasonal weapons respectively.

Here are the official in-game descriptions of each:

  • Timelost Magazine: Final blows with this weapon grant bonus Super energy. When your Super expires, this weapon’s magazine size is doubled for a long duration and reloads from reserves.
  • Willing Vessel: Dealing damage or defeating targets with this weapon gradually grants increased stability, handling, reload speed, and charge rate. This effect gradually decreases over time but is gained more quickly while near allies.

That’s every new weapon added in Episode Heresy Act 1. For more Destiny 2 content, check out the best Exotic weapons, this week’s featured Dungeons & Raids, and active Promo Codes redeemable for in-game cosmetics.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: