Destiny 2 Brave Arsenal weapons: Full release schedule for Into The Light’s new guns

Destiny 2 Brave Arsenal weapons: Full release schedule for Into The Light’s new guns

The Brave Arsenal weapons are the talk of the Tower with the Destiny 2 community farming to get as many god rolls as possible, but not all of them are available yet. Here is the full schedule to make sure you know when these new guns are being added.

When Bungie first announced the Brave Arsenal weapons, they were supposed to be released between the beginning of Into The Light to May 21, 2024. This would give Guardians just two weeks to farm the last weapon before The Final Shape’s launch.

However, this was changed after the community outcry pushed for timegating to be removed. It isn’t gone entirely but the shifted schedule has left some Guardians unsure of when each weapon will now be available, but this guide will help you get back on track.

Destiny 2 Brave Arsenal weapons release schedule

There are a total of twelve Brave Arsenal weapons available in Destiny 2 Into The Light. However, only some of them are currently available with more coming in the following weeks.

Here is the full release schedule for all the Brave Arsenal weapons:

April 9

  • Elsie’s Rifle
  • Falling Guillotine
  • Hung Jury SR4
  • The Recluse
  • Succession
  • April 16

  • The Mountaintop
  • April 23

  • Hammerhead
  • April 30

  • Luna’s Howl
  • By the end of April, you’ll be able to farm every Brave Arsenal weapon from the Onslaught activity or by spending Trophies of Bravery in the Hall of Champions. Be sure to attune the weapon you want beforehand to increase the odds of it dropping!

    Check out these Destiny 2 guides to become the strongest Guardian possible:

    Best Destiny 2 Hunter Build | Best Titan Build | Best Warlock Builds | Best PvE Weapons | Best PvP Weapons

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