Destiny 2 is getting huge Trials of Osiris change after cryptic tweet

James Lynch

Destiny 2 is getting huge Trials of Osiris change after cryptic tweet


Destiny 2‘s Trials of Osiris has always been the pinnacle PvP experience, where the best of the best gather to test their mettle. What that mode looks like could be about to change forever, if a cryptic post from Bungie is to be believed.

Over on Twitter/X, Global Community Lead Dylan Gafner, better known as dmg04, posed a simple question: “What if Trials wasn’t Flawless or Bust anymore?”

He then went on to promise that they would be seeing players next week, hinting at more info to come.

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What exactly these changes will look like is unclear, but it’s likely to be a new tier of Trials of Osiris completion underneath the usual Flawless run. This would then lead to additional rewards, titles, and opportunities for those who do manage to go Flawless the old-school way.

This change is born out of necessity

So why change the formula now? Much of it will be down to the dwindling player count of Destiny 2, with that having a major knock-on effect on the overall community for Trials of Osiris. As an already elite player-focused mode, it didn’t have anything like the players of the standard crucible, and lobby wait times have been increasing steadily in recent months.

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Over on Reddit, a post sharing Dmg04’s statement was met with a mixture of responses, including those who felt it was too little, too late.

“A year ago this would be a huge issue in the community, but I don’t think the 14 of us playing Trials care anymore what happens,” one said.

“Should’ve been this way. No way Trials was gonna keep a good population with the bottom tiers of player getting farmed relentlessly and not being adequately rewarded for their time spent being fodder. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to spend their time getting their ass kicked for no real reason,” another added.


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Everything Bungie does with Destiny 2 at the moment feels like a real do-or-die. With the game’s player count lower than ever, there’s little doubt that much of the emphasis on these changes relates to bringing new players in and old players back.

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The community is becoming increasingly aware of this, with that message taking precedence over all others when it comes to gameplay changes.

“Those who get mad about this are the elite PvP’ers who make up a tiny portion of the population. Bungie needs to retain as many players as possible at this point and if that means letting casuals get good loot from trials now then so be it.”

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Whatever happens next, discussion around Trials is sure to heat up when full details are confirmed next week.

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