Joe Pring
Destiny 2‘s long-standing S-tier Machine Gun is finally in line for retirement thanks to the introduction of a competitor with the power to usurp the crown thanks to a single perk.
Since the introduction of crafting for Deep Stone Crypt weapons, Commemoration has retained pole position as the go-to Machine Gun for add-clear thanks to its absurdly powerful, enhanced Reconstruction + Killing Tally perk combo.
Thanks to the spit-and-polish job afforded to Vault of Glass’ armory and the addition of an all-new Origin Trait in Episode Heresy, however, another Void-element Machine Gun is primed and ready to take the reins.
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Timelost Magazine & Corrective Measure
With Episode Heresy’s release on February 4, all Vault of Glass weapons, crafted or otherwise, have access to the origin trait Timelost Magazine, including Corrective Measure. Here’s what it does:
Timelost Magazine: Final blows with this weapon grant bonus Super energy. When your Super expires, this weapon’s magazine size is doubled for a long duration and reloads from reserves.
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To illustrate just how wild Timelost Magazine’s effect will be when active, Corrective Measure’s default magazine size of 57 will balloon to 114.
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Commemoration’s maximum capacity with Reconstruction still outpaces this, of course, but Timelost Magazine instantly triggers after the user’s Super ends compared with Reconstruction, which slowly reloads a weapon over time.
As VoG’s new Origin Trait also allows automatic reloading from reserves, Corrective Measure essentially gets a superior version of Subsistence with no condition. Both of these buffs are in addition to the weapon’s standard perks.
With Heresy’s seasonal Artifact packed with perks that specifically benefit Void and Machine Guns, Corrective Measure is shaping up to be a primal force to be reckoned with in the sandbox for the next few months.
Destiny 2 Episode Heresy’s Lotus-Eater has a godlike perk combo after all
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For more Destiny 2 content, check out all of the new weapons coming with Episode Heresy and the full Vault of Glass loot table to help plan your Corrective Measure farm.
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