Destiny 2’s The Final Shape will let you level all characters at the same time

Destiny 2’s The Final Shape will let you level all characters at the same time

Destiny 2 is introducing a new feature with The Final Shape that will sync players’ power with their highest-level characters, making alternates level faster.

Destiny 2’s The Final Shape will be introducing a new feature that will assist in leveling alternate characters. The new feature will give players gear based on their highest power character, making catching up on other characters far easier than before.

That means that if you have a max power Hunter, you can swap to your Warlock and receive gear around the same level, avoiding the tedious grind. The exact amount of power you’ll gain will depend on what activity you complete, but the power you earn will positively influence all your other characters.

This will greatly help in situations such as preparing for The Final Shape raid, where players may need to switch characters to fulfill a certain role in the fireteam. It also allows you to try out classes you’ve never played before, as you won’t need to grind out the power before taking them into any activity.

Destiny 2’s The Final Shape will let you level all characters at the same time

Power grinding will be a thing of the past in The Final Shape.

The new feature comes as part of a wider change to make the game more accessible, with power taking up less of a focus. This includes changes to how power will work in a fireteam, as well as the removal of power caps from legacy weapons and items.

As a result of this change, Power Boosts will no longer be available for sale from Bungie. However, you will still be able to purchase campaign skips if you wish to get your newly leveled character right into the action.

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