Dragon’s Dogma 2’s attention to detail makes it so much more than its flaws

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s attention to detail makes it so much more than its flaws

In spite of the many flaws that has the community frustrated, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s attention to details more than makes up for them with its incredible immersion.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has seen plenty of criticisms leveled its way since it released, from the rough performance of its PC port to the way Dragonsplague was implemented.

And much of the frustration that is coming from the fans is absolutely justified, and changes to them could elevate the game to incredible levels.

However, what many seem to be overlooking is how much the game gets right with its details; these small things that make the game a truly immersive experience rarely seen in games.

Not since Red Dead Redemption 2 has a game felt as immersive as Dragon’s Dogma 2, with both these games putting in the tiniest details that make the world feel alive.

These can be seen all around the game’s world: from putting more firewood on camp fires to keep it going, to your Pawns falling asleep if you spend too long doing that.

You can even see the dirt on your character wash off when in a hot spring, only for them to be dirtied again when embarking on more adventures.

These moments are when Dragon’s Dogma 2 is elevated beyond a good game to a great game. It’s what has it receiving “10 out of 10” reviews, and why it sits atop many players’ Game of the Year lists, so far.

Sure, there are things that pull you out of the experience. When the game begins to stutter in highly-populated areas, you can feel that immersion breaking down and it’s a bummer, truly.

But then you get back out into the wilderness where you stumble upon a Pawn you’ve met before, and their dialogue reflects past encounters. This is when you are reminded how this is a living, breathing world that is constantly changing and adapting to your actions.

The fact that, on the Dragon’s Dogma 2 subreddit, players can be seen sharing these details that they just encountered after 209 hours of playing is a testament to how much care went into the crafting of this world.


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It may not always be perfect, and there may be moments that have left fans scratching their heads, but there is no denying that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an experience unlike any other.

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