Fortnite’s Earthbending isn’t just useful for defense purposes; you can also use it to pull off this particular trick that helps eliminate enemies.
The Earthbending mythic in Fortnite was introduced with the Avatar collab, allowing players to throw rock projectiles at enemies and create a rock wall. At least, that’s generally what the mythic item is intended for.
It certainly didn’t take too long for players to come up with other creative ways to fully take advantage of this new talent. For example, you can use it to replace enemy builds, which can come in clutch during intense fights.
On top of this, the mythic weapon can also be used to create an “instant ramp” and launch you into the air while riding a dirtbike, as one player had found out.
did y’all know that earth bending can be used as an ‘instant ramp’ for dirt bikes?
byu/Cedrics0n inFortNiteBR
To pull this off, quickly switch your weapon to Earthbending when riding a dirtbike, and then right-click to build a rock wall.
The rock wall will then act as the “instant ramp,” launching the dirtbike into the air. In a clip showcased in a Reddit thread, the player used this trick to reposition themself and get a better view of the enemy before eliminating them with a different weapon.
However, you could also choose to finish them off using Earthbending’s rock projectile — it’s entirely up to you. Though it’s worth keeping in mind that while this is a brilliant trick, the mythic weapon does have a cooldown. So, don’t expect to be able to spam right-click with Earthbending, thinking that you can constantly boost yourself up.
Those keen to try this trick can head to Elemental Shrines to grab the Earthbending mythic. Just make sure you’ve at least picked up a gun and have a full shield beforehand, since these places generally attract a lot of people, including sweats.
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Also, if you’re struggling to pick up an item when there are so many people around you, you’ll want to know this cheesy trick to lock them up in an animation.