Fortnite’s Airbending Mythic may make traveling more convenient, but it can lead you to your death when used with this one item in the game.
Fortnite has added the four elemental bending arts as Mythic items in the game along with the Avatar collab. However, not all of them can be used offensively, as you’d see in the show. The Airbending Mythic, for example, functions as a mobility item that lets you traverse the map quickly.
While it’s been hailed as the “best mobility item ever,” using this item upon entering the rift can actually lead you to your death. Normally, entering the rift will allow you to be teleported into the air and land safely on the ground or even the Floating Island.
However, as shown in one player’s clip, instead of deploying your glider after falling from the sky, their character ended up dying due to fall damage.
Epic, please fix this
byu/Liverpool_fan4life inFortNiteBR
While the chances are slim, if this bug ever happens to you, one way you can avoid dying is by landing on water. A Launch Pad also works, though this could be tough to find, depending on where you’re headed.
This isn’t the first time that this Mythic item has been bugged. Another player has also shared that it’s possible to get stuck in an animation when using it, which could get you killed if you’re caught in a bad situation.
Despite these bugs, the Airbending Mythic is still in the game. You can find it in Elemental Shrines and chests if you’re lucky. Just make sure to pick up some of the best weapons in the current chapter first before heading to a shrine to help you secure the loot.