Unlocking more slots to accommodate better Gear and Exospines plays a crucial role in countering powerful enemies in Stellar Blade, and here’s how to do that.
As you progress through Eve’s journey in Stellar Blade, encountering ferocious enemies will be the norm, and the only way to fight them, and tailor your chosen build, is by getting hold of the best Gear. During the first few hours, you’ll only have a single Gear slot, but you’ll be able to unlock more in time.
As Stellar Blade opens up and more areas become available for you to explore, you’ll eventually come across the items needed to unlock more slots for Exospines and Gear. With that said, here’s how you can do that in Stellar Blade.
Eve can get more Exopines and Gear, here’s how.
How to expand Gear Socket slots in Stellar Blade
Each Gear Socket slot expansion in Stellar Blade requires 3x Omnibolts. In time, you’ll be able to upgrade to four Gear Socket slots in total using Omnibolts. This will make Eve much more prepared to face the more difficult enemies later.
Omnibolts are gear-shaped 3-star items and are the only material you need to unlock more Gear Sockets. The more you find these items, the more you’ll be able to upgrade Eve. To find them, you’ll need to look out for cube chests as Ominbolts hide within them.
This makes Omnibolts even more difficult to find as they may or may not occur all the time you open a cube chest. Make sure you’ve auto-pickup enabled, as Eve will pick everything up automatically once she opens a chest, and you won’t miss out on important items accidentally.
How to find cube chests in Stellar Blade
Cube chests are quite difficult to find as they are mostly hidden and surrounded by multiple enemies.
The best way to find every cube chest in Stellar Blade is by thoroughly exploring each and every area you visit. This is where your Drone will come in handy, so ensure you upgrade it to help you find valuable items and chests.
The cube chests are scattered all over the world, but in time you’ll find enough Omnibolts to fully upgrade your Gear slots.
How to spend Omnibolts expand Gear Socket slots in Stellar Blade
Head over to any Repair Console in a Supply Camp and you can spend all your collected Omnibolts there to unlock more slots for Gear and Exospines.
For more on Stellar Balde, check our other guides below:
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