How to get Throh in Pokemon Go & can it be Shiny?

How to get Throh in Pokemon Go & can it be Shiny?

Trainers can catch the Fighting-type monster, Throh, in Pokemon Go, but this regional exclusive can be a bit tricky to track down. Here’s everything you need to know about catching Throh in Pokemon Go.

There are plenty of monsters in Pokemon Go with rivals, like Sawk and Throh from the Generation 5 games.

Now, the mobile game is set to celebrate those Pokemon with the Rivals Week event, which has special spawns for monsters like Throh, Heatmore, and Zangoose.

So, trainers interested in catching the Judo Pokemon—especially if they live outside of its normal regional spawn location—can find everything they need to know about catching it here.


How to get Throh in Pokemon Go & can it be Shiny?

How to get Throh in Pokemon Go

Throh is typically only available to Pokemon Go players in North America, South America, and Africa. While this may be disheartening to some fans outside those regions, certain events allow trainers to catch Throh, regardless of their location.

Specifically, Rivals Week will feature Throh for players worldwide instead of only in North America, South America, and Africa. You can face the Pokemon in Raids or in the wild from May 6, 2024, at 10 AM to May 8, 2024, at 8 PM.

Can Throh be Shiny in Pokemon Go?

Yes, the Shiny version of Throh was added to the mobile game during Pokemon Go Fest 2021. During Rivals Week, you will have a better chance of encountering a Shiny Throh.

Throh general stats in Pokemon Go

This Fighting-type Pokemon has an attack-based stat spread of 172 (ATK), 160 (DEF), and 260 (STA) and can reach a max CP value of 2869. Additionally, Cloudy weather can boost Throh’s power.

As a Fighting-type, Throh is weak to Fairy, Flying, and Psychic-type moves. Throh also has three resistances, including Bug, Dark, and Rock.

All Throh moves in Pokemon Go

Throh has access to four Fighting-type STAB moves. You can check out its entire move pool below:

Throh Fast Moves

Throh Charged Moves

That’s all you need to know about how to get Throh in Pokemon Go. For more content on the mobile game, check out our guides below:

Pokemon Go Top Attackers, Defenders & PvP champions | Best Mega Evolutions in Pokemon Go | Pokemon Go IVs & CP |  How to get Best Buddy status | Pokemon Go catching tips 


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