How to swap booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Michelle Cornelia

How to swap booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket

the pokemon company / dexerto

Pokemon TCG Pocket’s newest set has taken over the main menu and here’s how you can find the previous booster packs in the game.

So, you’ve just loaded up Pokemon TCG Pocket again. Perhaps you took a break or just haven’t opened the game in a while, when all of a sudden, you realize the menu doesn’t display the previous Genetic Apex packs anymore.

While the newest Space-Time Smackdown set is a welcome addition to the game, seeing something like this out of the blue can be quite off-putting. Fortunately, you won’t have to worry because the old packs are actually still available.

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Rest assured, they’re not gone; you just need some extra steps to access them. Here’s everything you need to know to open them back up.

How to open previous booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Old packs in the game are tucked under one option in the game. Follow the steps below to find it:

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How to swap booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket

the pokemon company / dexertoAccess all the packs available in the game by heading to this option.

  1. In the main menu, tap on any of the packs displayed.
  2. Once you load in the pack’s screen, tap on the “select other booster packs” option on the bottom right.
  3. A new screen will pop up, showcasing all the packs currently available in the game, including the previous ones not shown in the main menu.

From here, you can select the specific pack you want to open or spend Hourglasses on. You can also go back and forth, opening all the other packs from this same menu, as long as you have the resources to do so.

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How to swap booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket

the pokemon company / dexertoThis is what the menu will look like once you open it.

While the newly added set has introduced a plethora of new cards, opening old packs is still a solid choice if you still have yet to complete your collection and certain secret missions.

Additionally, if you’ve been opening them for a while, then you’ve likely accumulated a lot of Pack Points to help you craft cards you want from that set.

Now that you know how to open old packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket, check out all the upcoming events, how to use the trading feature, and how to farm Hourglasses to help you get even more cards.


Pokemon TCG Pocket finally provides details on trades, but confirms players worst fears

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