Sigewinne is an upcoming 5-star Hydro unit in Genshin Impact version 4.7. Here is whether you should consider pulling for her or not in the game.
Sigewinne has been a mysterious unit in Genshin Impact ever since she was first revealed during version 4.0. Leaks surrounding her had been scarce for quite a long time, with not much hype surrounding her as a unit.
However, after she was confirmed for version 4.7, fans started to take notice. Leaks suggested that she would have a pretty good kit, and now players are wondering whether they should pull for Sigewinne or go for Clorinde.
Thus, if you are confused about what to do regarding Sigewinne’s viability, we have you covered.
Should you pull for Sigewinne in Genshin Impact version 4.7?
Yes, you should pull for Sigewinne in Genshin Impact version 4.7. Sigewinne is a hybrid unit in Genshin that can heal allies while dealing damage to nearby opponents. Sigewinne’s E ability creates a bubble that can bounce between opponents and heal allies.
If you hold the E ability, the bubble will grow in size up to a maximum of double the base value. At this stage, it can even imprison smaller enemies. She also creates Sourcewater Droplets that grant her Bond of Life. Clearing the Bond of Life will grant her Elemental Energy.
Finally, Sigewinne’s Ultimate is a DPS skill where she will deal AoE Hydro DMG to all nearby enemies. Additionally, she consumes the Sourcewater Droplets whenever she uses his ability. It is also important to mention that Sigewinne’s passive ability, Detailed Diagnosis, Thorough Treatment, grants her a Healing bonus based on the number of characters with Bond of Life.
This passive is amazing as it shows that Sigewinne is built for units that use the Bond of Life mechanic. She can inflict Bond of Life on herself, and if you pair her with Clorinde or Arlecchino, she will gain Healing Bonus while also assisting the team with damage and reactions.
In short, Sigewinne can function as a utility unit, which is always a lot better than being a hardcore healer. She will also become even better when HoYoverse releases more units that use the Bond of Life mechanic.
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