LCS reportedly making surprise format change for Summer Split

LCS reportedly making surprise format change for Summer Split

A new report from Travis Gafford suggests that the LCS will be moving to a best-of-three format for the Summer Split.

This report comes a month after new LCS commissioner Markz issued a video explaining why the franchise was sticking to best-of-one. But, Markz also mentioned that Riot Games will consider teams’ and fans’ preferences for the format.

Garfford’s new YouTube video discusses insider information he received about the LCS change. According to his sources, the switch back to BO3 will make a difference on matches.

Instead of a double round-robin where teams face each other twice, they would only match up once. This allows the teams to play three matches against each other instead of just two. Additionally, it is reported that there will only be two BO3 a week which will lengthen the season.

With the upcoming event of the Esports World Cup, the LCS will be taking a two-week break in the meantime. This is similar to the two-week break the LCS took during Spring to accommodate the Valorant Champions Tour start.

“I do really think that this is not going to be good for the LCS. I think it will hurt viewership for a product that is already struggling for viewership,” said Gafford.

However, later on in the video Gafford does say that he hopes he is wrong in his prediction of the BO3 being bad for the league. Although these are only rumors of what is to come to the LCS. Markz nor the LCS have officially confirmed that the Summer Split will have a different format.

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