League player survey crowns “most attractive” champion

Declan Mclaughlin

League player survey crowns “most attractive” champion

Riot Games

A League of Legends player took it upon himself to survey 5,000 other players to find who the community thinks is the “most attractive” woman champion.

According to a survey on Reddit, Ahri is the “most attractive” female character in the game, followed closely by Miss Fortune.

Players who voted in the survey gave Ahri the top spot in both single-option and multiple-choice voting. Miss Fortune only snagged 12.3% of single-option voting, to Ahri’s 12.45%, while the multiple-choice voting saw the mage win by a 5% margin.

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The survey poster did also explain that the results might be correlated with in-game pick rate and popularity. Ahri is one of the most common mid-lane picks, has dozens of skins to choose from, and is a popular character to cosplay as at League events.

League player survey crowns “most attractive” champion

Riot Games

Kai’Sa, who ranks third on the list, was the most-picked champion in the game just a few patches ago.

Players mostly found the results unsurprising but some found the placement of champions outside the top three interesting.

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“As an OG player from 2010, it’s wild to see champs like Janna, Nidalee, and Irelia so far down the list,” one Reddit user said.

A Riot Games employee, Riot NeoLexical, even chimed in on the survey. They said the developer has done a similar study in the past, ranking the “visual appeal” of champions.

“Just going to note that if you split the data by age bracket and gender, it will have different outcomes. However, because most league players have similar demographics, it does bias the data. 🙂 Also there are regional differences too,” they said.


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The Reddit survey does not cover every champion in the game, however, as the entire 168-character cast was whittled down to just those who are “human” and women. The results could be massively different if every champion was up for voting from Sett to Teemo.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: