Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto: Wiglett, biomes, and more

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto: Wiglett, biomes, and more

Pokemon Go has announced Rediscover Kanto, which introduces Wiglett, fully fleshed-out biomes, and much more. Here’s everything you need to know about this Gen 1 celebration event.

To give veteran players an incentive to get back into the mobile game, Pokemon Go has announced the Rediscover Kanto event among the larger Rediscover Go initiative.

Naturally, the Rediscover Kanto event will have a focus on all things Generation 1, but it’s not limited to Red & Blue. Trainers can also expect the debut of Gen 9’s Wiglett and Wugtrio through this event.

Additionally, Pokemon Go will now have full biomes for monsters to inhabit and trainers to explore. Here’s everything you need to know about the Rediscover Kanto event.


Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto: Wiglett, biomes, and more

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto start date & time

According to the official blog, Pokemon Go’s Rediscover Kanto event began on Monday, April 22, at 10 AM PDT and will last until Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 8 PM PDT.

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto Wiglett debut

The Rediscover Kanto event features the debut of Generation 9’s Wiglett, the Garden Eel Pokemon who resembles Diglett from Kanto.

Trainers will be able to find and catch Wiglett through the newly introduced beach biomes. Additionally, Wiglett’s evolved form, Wugtrio, is available to obtain as well.

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto biomes update

This event has also fully introduced biomes to Pokemon Go. While biomes will affect the background of Pokemon encounters depending on the environment you’re in, they also effect which Pokemon spawn there.

During this event, Pokemon originating from Kanto will appear in specific biomes. These biomes include:

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto biome spawns

Pokemon from Gen 1 will spawn in different biomes depending on where you are. Here is every Gen 1 Pokemon that can spawn in each biome during the event:

Forest biome

Mountain biome

Beach biome

City biome

Pokemon marked with an * may appear as Shiny

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto: Wiglett, biomes, and more

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto bonuses

There are a handful of different bonuses fans can take advantage of during this event.

First off, trainers that evolve certain Pokemon during this event can gain access to featured moves for a limited time. These moves are usually only available through Community Days, so players should take advantage of the opportunity while they can.


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The following Pokemon will learn featured moves if evolved during Rediscover Kanto:

Event bonuses

Additionally, this event will have standard bonuses much like others before it. For the Rediscover Kanto event, trainers can make use of the following bonuses:

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto Field Research

This event features brand new Field Research tasks for fans to complete, such as Powering up Pokemon five times. Completing these tasks will earn trainers 25 Mega Energy for each Kanto Starter.

Pokemon Go Rediscover Kanto Special Research

All trainers also have access to a free Special Research quest as part of Rediscover Kanto, where players can complete tasks to earn plenty of Stardust, XP, and encounters with Gen 1 Pokemon.

For a comprehensive breakdown of every task, reward, and encounter, present in the Rediscover Kanto Special Research quest check out our full guide here.

And there you have it! That’s everything you need to know about the Rediscover Kanto event in Pokemon Go. Take a look at some of our other handy Pokemon Go guides and content below:

Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go | All upcoming Spotlight Hours | How to catch a Ditto | What are Strange Eggs? | Pokemon Go catching tips

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