Here’s a look at what STAB moves and what setups are best for Gen III Pokemon Seviper in Pokemon Go.
Gen III Pokemon Seviper could be considered the next-gen upgrade to Arbok, given that the former debuted two generations after the latter first showed up in the world of Pokemon.
Seviper, who also had a rival in Zangoose in the Hoenn generation thanks to their lengthy feud, is a Poison-type Pokemon that had a lot of tricks in the console games. But what about in Pokemon Go?
Here’s a look at the best moveset for the Poison-type in Pokemon Go, including for both PvP and Raids play.
Pokemon Go Seviper all moves
Here’s a look at the moves that Seviper can learn:
Seviper Fast Moves
Seviper Charged Moves
Pokemon Go Seviper best PvP moveset
Seviper’s best moveset for PvP content is Poison Jab as the Fast Move with Crunch and Poison Fang as the Charged Moves.
Poison Jab is an obvious choice over Iron Tail, given that it has a higher EPS & DPS, along with the fact that it’s a STAB move.
Poison Fang adds a secondary STAB option, while Crunch is the most powerful move Seviper can use out of its Charged options.
As far as its potency in PvP play, Seviper is ranked outside the top 400 in both Great and Ultra League action, per PvPoke.
Pokemon Go Seviper best Raid moveset
For Raids, Poison Jab and Poison Fang is the preferred option for Seviper.
The two are Poison-type moves, giving Seviper two STAB moves to work with. It also has the highest-rated move combo score, per Pokemon Go Hub DB.
That’s everything you need to know about Seviper’s best moveset for PvP and Raid content in Pokemon Go. For more game content, check the guides below:
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