Pokemon players reveal “rarest” Pokemon in their collection

Pokemon players reveal “rarest” Pokemon in their collection

Pokemon fans are showing off the rare ‘mons they’ve acquired over the years, many resulting from mistakes or unique circumstances.

Pokemon X & Y drastically improved the online modes introduced in Gen 4. This made it a lot easier for players to trade for Pokemon that they didn’t have before, but it also had the knock-on effect of making Pokemon as a whole a lot less rare.

Some Pokemon are still extremely rare, and that’s not even counting Shiny variants. Some can’t even be brought to the modern games, like Spiky-Eared Pichu, which is trapped in Gen 4, as it was never added to the later games.

Shiny Pokemon add another dimension to rareness, such as the Safari Zone Chansey, with its incredibly low encounter rate and catch chance. Don’t forget Shiny Vespiquen, as you need to meet a Shiny female Combee, which spawns at a much lower rate than its male counterparts.

A user on the Pokemon Reddit created a thread asking fans to share their rarest catches. These include Mew distributed to the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow, which was only given out at Pokemon Sun & Moon launch parties.

Many rare Pokemon were only given away during special events, such as the Aura Mew in Pokemon Emerald, Ho-Oh and Lugia from the Pokemon Rocks America tour, and the Arceus given away at Gamestop events.

Some people also claim to have Mew from the original Pokemon distribution events. Unfortunately, battery degradation and the inability to trade them forward means these are likely long done.

The Shiny hunters are the ones who put in the hours, with some users claiming to have Shadow Gen 2 starters from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, the Shiny Legendary Beast trio, and even Shiny gender-locked evolution Pokemon, like Salandit.

While online trading and regular Mythical & Legendary distribution events have made rare Pokemon more common, there are still some out there that are highly desired by collectors due to how they cannot easily be caught in the modern games.


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