Some of Fallout 4’s best glitches have survived the next-gen update

Some of Fallout 4’s best glitches have survived the next-gen update

Some invaluable glitches that make the wasteland of The Commonwealth your playground have survived the Fallout 4 next-gen update.

With the Fallout TV show being a massive success driving up sales of the game franchise, Fallout 4 has been the main push by Bethesda with its next-gen update promoting higher resolution and 60 fps support for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

While welcome, the Fallout 4 next-gen update has been disappointing for some fans. Although it has allowed the game to perform better, it’s lost a lot of third-party content, with deleted modded save files and achievements being broken on Xbox. 

However, several extremely helpful glitches must have been hidden away in a vault while Bethesda dropped the update bomb, because they’re still in the game after the changes. It’s a Bethesda game, glitches are considered charming for them.

Some of Fallout 4’s best glitches have survived the next-gen update

One such glitch is the Dogmeat Cryolator glitch in Vault 111. Bringing Dogmeat back into Vault 111 and telling him to fetch items in the area will cause the pupper to clip through the gun’s case. The Cryolator plus 200 ammo will go into his inventory, ready to trade for some great early-game firepower.

While that’s helpful, it’s not exactly a thrilling glitch that will make you grossly overpowered and send enemies running for the hills. Thankfully, another glitch remains in the game that turns you from a sturdy wasteland survivor into a force of nature that even the Enclave cannot rival.

Fans who want to try their hand at some real firepower will want to hear about the glitch that can turn virtually any weapon into a machine gun that fires mini-nukes. Usually, you’d need a Fat Man to deal out some nuclear pain in the wasteland.

This specific glitch does require some investment, with some perks necessary, with “Gun Nut” and “Science!” perks both maxed out, and key timing to glitch out the crafting menu of the Weapon Station.

In the weapon modification menu, make sure that the Fat Man and your weapon of choice are next to each other, with the former above the latter.

Scrapping the Fat Man just before pushing the modify button on the second weapon, doing this exploit correctly will glitch the Fat Man modding menu onto the new gun, allowing Fat Man mods on normal weapons.

Having the Mirv launcher mod for the Fat Man put on a weapon such as the Overseer’s Guardian, which shoots an additional projectile while firing, as seen in the clip above, gives you the power to cause a second nuclear apocalypse. Just don’t fire it indoors.

These glitches have existed in the game since launch and have survived the fallout of the next-gen update like a Radroach so we don’t expect these to be patched any time soon.

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