Twitch streamer Erobb221 restarts brutal stream challenge after chat caught him cheating

Brendan RyanTwitch streamer Erobb221 restarts brutal stream challenge after chat caught him cheating0Erobb221

Twitch streamer Erobb221 was caught cheating on his all black puzzle challenge, causing him to restart after 30+ hours.

On January 16, Twitch streamer Erobb221 started a challenge where he must complete an 1,000 piece all black puzzle, and he cannot end stream until he finishes it.

After over 30 hours of working on the it, Erobb had barely made any progress, only completing the border and a few inside pieces of the puzzle.

Apparently growing impatient with how long it was taking him, the streamer changed his strategy and suddenly began to make fast progress. After a couple of hours, viewers began to notice his quick progress.

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Erobb221 forced to restart brutal stream challenge

His chat immediately became suspicious and accused him of using lettering on the back of the pieces to help him, which Erobb soon admitted to doing.

“Listen, there’s been times where I’ve used the letters, okay,” he began.

“I’m an idiot bro, why did I do that! Why!” said Erobb. “From my POV I was like, I thought it was gonna be two days bro. I thought this was gonna be a two day thing, and I started doing it and I’m like holy f**k, this is actually gonna take two weeks, probably longer,” he explained.

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After initially refusing to restart, the streamer eventually gave into his chat. He swept the puzzle off the table and officially restarted after 30+ hours. Considering all the pieces are completely black, his prior experience putting the puzzle together won’t help much.

As of today, January 18, he is on day three of his black puzzle challenge and has yet to complete the border.

Erobb’s puzzle challenge isn’t the only source of outrage in the streaming world right now, as a sudden rule change in the Twitch Rivals tournament has sparked plenty of drama on the platform, leading to Myth and several other streamers criticizing the event.


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