Where to find Power Armor in Fallout 4: Locations, types, & more

Where to find Power Armor in Fallout 4: Locations, types, & more

Power Armor in Fallout 4 is one of the many armors the game offers while also being one of the best. So, here is a guide on how you can find every power armor in the game.

Power Armor not only makes you look badass in Fallout 4 but is also one of the most effective armor sets in the game. That being said, there are four types of power armors in the game T-45, T-51, T-60, and X-01.

So if you’re wondering where to find each Power Armor set in the game, here is all you need to know.


Power Armor level requirement in Fallout 4

Where to find Power Armor in Fallout 4: Locations, types, & more

The Brotherhood of Steel makes use of T60 Power Armor.

In Fallout 4, you need to be at a certain level to be able to equip each power armor set from the four types mentioned before. Here’s what level you can equip each Power Armor type:

All Fallout 4 Power Armor locations

Where to find Power Armor in Fallout 4: Locations, types, & more

The majority of the Power Armors are randomly generated and are often dependent on the player’s level. You might end up finding power armor frames with different levels of armor pieces.

While some areas will have guaranteed spawns, other areas will be level-dependent meaning if you’re level 28+ you might end up finding an X-01 or lower models.

Partial power armor spawn locations

Location Description Power armor models
Abandoned shack (Federal Surveillance Center K-21B) Under the stairs at the lowest level. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Military APCs northeast of Poseidon Energy turbine No.18-F Among the aircraft wreckage behind the infantry fighting vehicles. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor
Crashed vertibird (Covenant Lake) Near the Vertibird crashed at the bottom of the lake. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Crashed vertibird (Marshland) Standing in the water, near the crashed Vertibird. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Crashed vertibird (near robotics disposal ground) Located in front of the Vertibird fuselage, northwest of station Olivia. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor
Fiddler’s Green Trailer Estates Inside one of the trailers. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor
Fort Strong Inside the guard post before the bridge leading to the base. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Goodneighbor (The Dig) Use Sonya to blast apart the wall next to the generator containing the fusion core. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Mass Pike Interchange Located next to a turret on a gunner camp. Get inside a yellow elevator to reach the camp. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor
Military armor transport (Lexington) Inside a cage on the flatbed, in the crashed train west of Lexington. T-45 power armor
Military armor transport (north wilderness) Inside a cage on the crashed train just north-west, under the cliff. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor
Military checkpoint (Cambridge outskirts) In a cage at the checkpoint northwest of the location. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor
Lake Cochituate Located on the southwest shore, at a military checkpoint south of the Natick Police Department. It’s at the edge of the radioactive zone. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Military checkpoint (south zone 3) Hidden behind one of the containers, near the IFV. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor
Military checkpoint (West Roxbury) Near the IFV. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Military convoy (elevated freeway) Submerged in the water, the helmet may be visible. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Military convoy (training yard) Inside the trailer. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
National Guard Training Yard (Armory) Inside the locked side room. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Nuka-World, Morton residence Located inside the garage, in the power armor station. Enter the garage through a sewer pipe next to a yellowish puddle. X-01 Power Armor
Nuka-World, near Safari Adventure area by parking lot Standing in a nook on the far side of the building from the door. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Power armor warehouse Inside the eastern warehouse in the south of Fort Hagen township. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor
Unloading barge Inside the southern-most blue container, opening faces the Atlantic. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor

Complete power armor spawn locations

Location Description Power armor models
35 Court Inside a locked compartment, unlocked by buttons inside the rooms with an Assaultron and a Sentry bot. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
S. Boston military checkpoint Inside the cage at the checkpoint. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Crashed Vertibird (Military barge) Inside the cage on the barge, among the infantry fighting vehicles. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor, T-60 Power Armor, X-01 Power Armor
Crashed Vertibird (elevated freeway) Next to a crashed Vertibird on top of the highway. T-45 power armor, T-51 power armor

Guaranteed Power Armor spawn locations

Location Description Power armor models
Atom Cats garage Can be purchased from Rowdy at Atom Cats Garage. T-60 power armor (lacks a helmet)
Glowing Sea Inside one of the tunnels. Raider power armor
Mass Bay Medical Center Radiology ward, overlooking the conflagration. T-45 power armor (lacks a helmet)
Concord Next to the crashed Vertibird on the roof of the Museum of Freedom. T-45 power armor
The Prydwen Inside the power armor repair bay. Only players who side with members of the Brotherhood of Steel can take one without stealing 3x T-60 power armor (Knight livery), T-60 power armor (Paladin livery after promotion)
Vim! Pop factory Located on the top floor of the factory in a small office. T-51 power armor (Vim! Pop livery)
National Park Visitor’s Center Inside a crashed Vim! semi, north of the Visitor’s center on the highway. T-51 power armor (Vim! Pop livery)
Nuka-Cola bottling plant Located in a cage on the ride portion. You will need to unlock the door to the area from a terminal in the Quantum bottling area. T-51 power armor (Nuka-Cola livery)
Nuka-World (Galaxy Zone) Inside the main exhibit. Quantum X-01 power armor

Enemies wearing power armor

Here’s the updated table with the new information you provided:

Location Description Power armor model
Federal Ration Stockpile A raider spawns here wearing a Raider Power Armor. New parts do respawn later, Partial T-60 Power Armor
Revere Beach Station A raider spawns here wearing Raider Power Armor. Partial or full Raider Power Armor
Dunwich Borers Raider spawns on the far side of the quarry wearing raider power armor. Partial or full Raider Power Armor
Quarry at Vault 88 A raider spawns at the bottom of the quarry wearing T-51 power armor. T-51 power armor
Hub City Auto Wreckers Can be looted from a Gunner commander in the Scrapyard. T-45 power armor (lacks a helmet)
Quincy Can be looted from a Gunner commander. T-45 power armor (lacks a helmet)
Switchboard Can be looted during the first Railroad quest from a raider that appears on a catwalk between Super Duper Mart and Lexington. Raider power armor (lacks a helmet)

Creation Club DLC power armors

Added in patch 1.10, Creation Club is a Bethesda-supported venue to bring together modders to share their content for the game.

Location Description Power armor models
Wattz Consumer Electronics Start the quest Speak of the Devil. You will then pass through Mass Pike Tunnel while playing the quest. You can open a safe in this location to find the armor. X-02 Power Armor
Listening Post Bravo This armor can be looted from a hostile NPC wearing the armor at the location. Hellfire Power Armor
Hub 360 Just head to the location to find the armor in a room right next to the film set. CC-00 Power Armor
Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ basement Just head to the location to find the armor set. Horse Power Armor

What’s the best Power Armor in Fallout 4?

The X-01 Power Armor created by the Enclave is the strongest armor set in the game. A base X-01 gives you 1,220 physical damage resistance, 1,050 radiation resistance, and 790 energy resistance while a fully upgraded X-01 Armor grants 1,820 physical damage resistance, 1,050 radiation resistance, and 1,390 energy resistance.

The easiest place to find it is the roof of the 35 Court. Fast travel to the Custom House Tower. Look for the 35 Court Building right across the street from Custom House Tower. Enter the building and take the elevator to reach the roof. Defeat the Sentry Bot and Assaultron. Once this is done, head to the consoles on the far side of the room and press the red buttons. Once you do this, a door will open to the X-01 Power Armor complete with a core.

Note: The enemies in this area are quite hard to beat so you might need to reach a certain level to take them out. Additionally, you can only get the power armor if you’re level 28 or more.

So, there you have it – that’s everything you need to know about companions in Fallout 4. Check out our other guides below:

Fallout 4 console commands | 10 best Fallout 4 mods | All Easter Eggs in Fallout series trailer | Fallout Amazon series: Everything we know

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