YouTuber who fixes wrecked cars totals his only uncrashed vehicle

YouTuber who fixes wrecked cars totals his only uncrashed vehicle

YouTuber Mat Armstrong accidentally crashed his first Lamborghini and now has to decide whether to repair it or not.

Mat Armstrong is a YouTuber known for fixing supercars that have been totaled. Though he was a BMX professional, an injury led to Armstrong’s passion for mechanic work.

In 2019, he began his career as a YouTuber and now has over 2.81m subscribers.

In one of his most recent and viral videos, Armstrong shared how he accidentally crashed his Lamborghini Gallardo, which he personally modified to have over 1000 horsepower.

Saying, “How the tables have turned,” Armstrong explained that road conditions were wet when his car ended up in a ditch. “I completely lost control of the car,” he said.

Armstrong also said an accident was bound to happen “at some point,” as his entire life is centered around cars.

Armstrong went on to explain, ”Normally, I buy cars that have crashed. This time, my only car, which has not been crashed — I crashed it.”

Though he intended to use his own truck to pull his totaled Lamborghini out of the ditch, Armstrong had to have authorities remove a telephone pole from atop the vehicle before it was ultimately pulled out.

Somehow, Armstrong sustained zero injuries during the crash. However, the vehicle was a “complete mess.”

“The more I see the car, the more I realize how lucky I was,” Armstrong said about the severity of the crash.

Despite being on the way to the shop to fix the Gallardo’s rear suspension before the accident transpired, Armstrong now has his hands full with ample repairs which include a new front bumper, frame, subframe, headlight, back left suspension, rear wing, and more.

However, he did make it clear that it is near-impossible to drive the Gallardo fast, and couldn’t recall going above the 50 MPH limit where he crashed the vehicle.

At this time, Armstrong said he is unsure if he will rebuild the Gallardo or if he will give it up after insurance assesses the damages.

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