To get to the Moon Caves, Another Crab’s Treasure players must take a route that is not obviously highlighted in-game.
Soon after entering the Shallows in Another Crab's Treasure, players will find themselves at Fort Slacktide, the residence of the Duchess. In his efforts to please the Duchess and get his home shell back, Kril agrees to help find something shiny in a nearby cave.
The thing is, there is no minimap in Another Crab's Treasure, and no quest markers either, and players can easily get lost trying to find their way amongst the corals and crags of the sandy deeps. To get to the Moon Cave, players have to take a route that isn't obviously marked, and collect an important item that will help with traversal in the rest of the game.
Another Crab's Treasure Moon Cave Location
You can see the Moon Cave location relatively early in Another Crab's Treasure. When walking toward Fort Slacktide, look west to see a set of large pipes leading from the Fort to the top of some cliffs. The Moon Cave can only be reached by traversing these pipes, which can themselves only be accessed from within Fort Slacktide.
Don't try to just head into the Shallows to find another way around – the edge of the explorable space is not far from the road, and you will likely get stuck or continuously fall off the mountainside if you try to climb up. To get to the Moon Cave for the Duchess' shiny prize, you'll have to go through the castle and get a Fishing Line to grapple your way up.
How To Get To The Moon Cave In Another Crab's Treasure
Talk To The Duchess, Then Leave Her Throne Room
After speaking to the Duchess for the first time, some doors in the rest of Fort Slacktide will open, allowing Kril to access previously locked-off areas. Turn away from the Duchess and exit her room, then turn right.
You should see a Slacktide Footman standing on his own in a room filled with urchins. Talk to him to be sent to the other side of the hallway to a supply room – keep an eye out for the hilarious parody brands and items.
Find Fishing Line In The Supply Room
Jump onto a box of "Elden Bay" seasoning, then climb up the yellow and red nets. Jump onto the green net and climb over onto a box of "Uncrustworthys". Look over to the east side of the room for a box of "CheesyGuns" and jump over to it.
You may need to swim in mid-air (hold down jump) to make the gap. Climb on top of the box and jump onto a house of cards with a golden item on top of it. The cards will fall, and the item will drop to the ground. This is a Fishing Line item, which allows you to grapple onto nets and hooks throughout the world of Another Crab's Treasure.
Press the left trigger when the targeting icon is highlighted on either a net or hook in your view and Kril will latch on and pull himself that direction.
Return Across The Hall & Grapple Over The Urchins
Once you get the Fishing Line, head out of this room and back to the Slacktide Footman across the hallway. Use your new Fishing Line to grapple onto the hook that's hovering above the urchins in this room, and walk up the stairs.
A gigantic urchin will roll down the stairs like a big boulder – either jump to the side or block the damage with your shell, then continue upward. A crab at the top apologizes for accidentally letting go of the giant urchin.
Scale The Fort & Travel South on The Pipes
At the very top, you will reach a point where you can jump over onto the rusted pipes that lead to the top of the western cliffs. Look over the gap for a yellow net, align your screen and get close enough to grapple to it, then launch Kril over. He should grab onto the net automatically.
From there, all you need to do to get to the Moon Caves is head south on this pipeway. After dealing with some enemy sea creatures and doing a bit more platforming (and grappling), you will reach the edge of the Moon Cave and meet the visage of an important character who teaches Kril the ways of his latent magical powers: the Moon Snail.
Platform(s) PC , PS5 , Nintendo Switch , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released April 25, 2024 Developer(s) Aggro Crab Genre(s) Adventure , Soulslike , RPG Engine Unity ESRB T For Teen Due To Blood, Crude Humor, Language, Use of Tobacco, Violence