Yes – you can give Kril a gun in Another Crab’s Treasure, and it’s about as game-breaking and hilarious as one would expect.
Another Crab's Treasure is a wacky game with a lot of style and an amazing sense of humor. In one area of the game, you can find a bunch of trashed, parody items like Cheesy Guns (Goldfish), Mario cigarettes (Marlboro), and even Elden Bay seasoning (Old Bay).
One hilarious feature in Another Crab's Treasure that makes Kril an overpowered killing machine is the ability to give him a gun. Wearing it as a shell, Kril can use the gun to kill enemies instantly, and getting one is as simple as toggling an option in the settings menu.
How To Give Kril A Gun in Another Crab's Treasure
The ability to give Kril a gun in Another Crab's Treasure is not something you unlock normally in-game – it's not a shell or special Umami power gained from a boss. Instead, it's hidden in the accessibility features of the game as a toggleable option.
Open up the Settings menu, and scroll down to the "Assist Mode" tab. Here, players can select from a variety of preset difficulties, and "Hard" mode is the default. Scroll all the way to the bottom of this menu to find a toggleable "Give Kril A Gun" option. All you have to do to turn the mild-mannered, humble Kril into a gun-slinging one-shot-killing machine is to turn this option on.
You can turn the option off at any time to remove the gun following the same procedure.
What Does The "Give Kril A Gun" Option Do?
When Kril gets his piece, via the "Give Kril A Gun" option, you may notice a few things change about our protagonist. Instead of a shell, Kril will now have a full-sized, realistic gun stuck to his back. This gun takes up most of the screen, and waves around comically as Kril sprints around the environment.
When you use the Shell power input (normally X on Xbox/Square on PS4) Kril will fire the gun at his current lock-on target, or at an enemy in the direction he is facing when not targeting. No matter what enemy you are facing, nor how much HP they have, Kril's gun will kill anything in a single hit. It has infinite ammo and doesn't need to be reloaded.
Aside from the hilarious visuals and gameplay that results from giving a tiny hermit crab a Glock, there are some decent reasons to use this accessibility option. For one, it can make mincemeat of bosses that are testing your patience because of repeat attempts.
For another, it can actually be really nice for players who don't like to engage in combat all too much. The game has options to make combat much easier – but if you just want to enjoy the game's platforming and explore its serene undersea setting, consider giving Kril a big iron for his tiny hip.
Platform(s) PC , PS5 , Nintendo Switch , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released April 25, 2024 Developer(s) Aggro Crab Genre(s) Adventure , Soulslike , RPG Engine Unity ESRB T For Teen Due To Blood, Crude Humor, Language, Use of Tobacco, Violence