Apex Legends Season 20 Tier List

Looking for the best Legends to use for Season 20 of Apex Legends? This nifty Apex Legends Season 20 Tier List may help you out!

Apex Legends Season 20 Tier List

Season 20 of the high-octane Battle Royale game, Apex Legends, is quite a thrilling season due to its various content drops. With the arrival of the Mixtape map Thunderdome, along with overhauls to Legend Armor and the introduction of Shield Cores, the changes brought about in this season are sure to switch up the gameplay experience. Legend Upgrades have also made an appearance, altering some of your favorite Legends and how you'll want to play them.

Apex Legends has a wide host of different Legends that players can choose from, each of which has varying abilities. While your choice of Legend will all depend on your individual playstyle, some Legends are definitely better than others. This is especially the case for Season 20. Here is a Tier List ranking all the Legendsfor Season 20 of Apex Legends.

Apex Legends Season 20 Legend Tier List

Apex Legends Season 20 Tier List

There are 25 total Legends for Apex Legends Season 20, all of which have different Passive, Tactical, and Ultimate abilities. Personal preference will always be a factor in which Legend you choose. However, with each Legend receiving buffs and nerfs for every seasonal update, their place in the overall meta tends to shift over time.

S Tier

Revenant, Conduit, Horizon, Bangalore

A Tier

Valkyrie, Bloodhound, Loba, Pathfinder, Mad Maggie, Lifeline

B Tier

Wraith, Ash, Catalyst, Caustic, Rampart, Wattson, Gibraltar, Seer, Vantage

C Tier

Crypto, Newcastle, Mirage

D Tier

Octane, Fuse, Ballistic

S-Tier Heroes


The S Tier is home to the best Legends in the game, often serving as the top picks in the game's roster of unique characters. The Legends to make it to S Tier include:

  • Revenant has remained one of the go-to Legends among aggressive players. This is largely thanks to his Tactical ability, Shadow Pounce; and his standout Ultimate Ability, Forged Shadows. The latter essentially provides resistance to damage for a short duration.
  • Conduit has recently surged to S-Tier thanks to the string of buffs she received at the start of the season. Most notable is the shortened cooldowns on her abilities.
  • Horizon remains strong this season because of her Ultimate. What's more, her Gravity Lift's cooldown has even been reduced, making it more readily available.
  • Bangalore is a swift Legend who's great for providing cover with her Smoke Launcher. She also comes with a powerful Ultimate that covers a wide area.

A-Tier Heroes


The A Tier is the ranking placed on the Legends that, while not ranking as highly as those in S-Tier, are still a top choice to use in the current meta for Season 20. The A-Tier Legends for Season 20 include the following characters:

  • Valkyrie remains an A-Tier Legend for this season thanks to her movement. Though her VTOL Jet Passive is not as dominant as it once was, Valkyrie's Legend Upgrades do provide some much-needed buffs to ramp up her aerial mobility.
  • Bloodhound needs little introduction. They remain remarkably strong with their Ultimate and Passive abilities, which prove to be a strong combo when used with Bangalore's Smoke Launcher.
  • Loba, everyone's favorite loot goblin,, can seriously benefit the team when her Passive and Ultimate abilities are used with the squad in mind.
  • Pathfinder is a complementary choice. He provides great movement with his Grappling Hook, but also allows the team to cross great distances with his Zipline Gun.
  • Mad Maggie acts as an aggressive pusher, boasting a Tactical and Ultimate designed to flush enemies out of cover.
  • Lifeline remains a great healer for improving the team's longevity. Her Legend Upgrades only further boost her existing healing abilities and increase her revive speed, along with providing a Self Revive that can seriously come in clutch.



B-Tier is home to some seriously legendary Legends. While none of them are inherently overpowered, they are each great considerations for particular gameplay scenarios. The B-Tier Legends for Season 20 include the following:

  • Wraith's ability to sense danger with her Passive provides ample callout opportunities. Her other two abilities, though great, essentially provide the means to rotate to different positions. Plenty of other Legends fulfill this role to a greater degree.
  • Ash is another Legend whose role can be played by plenty of others, though her Passive is even more redundant.
  • Catalyst, Caustic, Rampart, and Wattson all fulfill a similar niche role of laying traps and fortifying areas. Though they can come in clutch during tense battles, each of these Legends is at a disadvantage in wide-open environments.
  • Gibraltar, on the other hand, thrives at providing cover in areas that lack it. However, his large hitbox can often be detrimental, especially when considering that players who have mastered the movement in Apex Legends can flank him.
  • Seer and Vantage are both Recon Legends. Each aims to reveal the position of other enemies in their own unique ways. This can be helpful, but neither of them surpasses Bloodhound's tracking abilities, making them — like several others in this tier — somewhat redundant.

C-Tier Heroes


C-Tier is home to the lesser viable Legends for Season 20 of Apex Legends. While these Legends are not inherently bad, they don't quite compete against some of the other options in the game. The C-Tier Legends for Season 20 include:

  • Crypto is a master Recon Legend who excels at providing surveillance on the battlefield. While his Passive and Tactical abilities can be quite useful for spotting other players, this particular role is not all too valuable for a competent team with potent map knowledge.
  • Newcastle's Tactical can greatly aid a team in pushing enemy squads. The only problem with Newcastle is that his abilities focus almost completely on defense. Better Support Legends have both defensive and offensive abilities, making them better choices for most gameplay situations.
  • Mirage has the potential to be a great choice if players can use his kit correctly. His ability to cloak whilst reviving is great. However, decoy plays are becoming increasingly more predictable and easy to counter, especially among veteran players, making him less viable.

D-Tier Heroes


We've fallen into the D Tier now, which includes some of the least viable Legends in the game. These options can still be good for a certain niche of players, but ultimately, they have lost their place in the overall meta. The D-Tier ranking Legends are as follows:

  • Octane is a fan-favorite Legend that is a great fit for run-and-gun players. While he is a force to be reckoned with when his kit is used correctly, Octane does not benefit the team as a whole besides providing a Launch Pad for quick rotations. Even then, other Legends can cover this aspect, making Octane a poor choice.
  • Fuse's Passive is remarkably strong, and is great for providing players with extra grenade slots. However, his other abilities are quite underwhelming. Finally, his Ultimate, The Motherload, can be countered by most movement-based abilities, rendering it less than useful.
  • Ballistic is a rather redundant character in the grand scheme of things. Sure, his Ultimate: Tempest can come in clutch for an aggressive team. However, his other two abilities do not necessarily hold up when compared to the best Assault LegendsApex Legends.

Platform(s) PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC , iOS , Android , Switch Released February 4, 2019 Developer(s) Respawn Entertainment Publisher(s) Electronic Arts See at Playstation Store

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