Building a personal shack is the first step you will take towards building your settlement in Bellwright, and here is how to do it.
Bellwright takes players on a journey to liberate the people of Lowland, while also expanding their settlement into a powerful nation. During this journey towards liberation, you will start as a stranger to the native people, and you will have to work to gain their trust and bring them to your side.
The first step is to make a small village for yourself outside the boundary of Haerndean. This will act as your base of operations, and you must build other items around it while slowly expanding your territory. However, due to the lack of a detailed tutorial in this open-world survival game, many players might need clarification about what to do first and how to build the Personal Shack. This guide is here for all your questions.
How to Get Wood
Collecting resources will take up a considerable portion of your gameplay in Bellwright. One of the first essential resources you need to gather for survival is Wood, which is needed to craft a Personal Shack. You can get wood from several sources. However, your choices will be limited early in the game, since you will initially spawn without any weapons or items.
In this kind of situation, the only way to gather wood is by collecting the Sticks or Deadwood lying around on the ground. This process can be frustrating at the beginning, but the vast jungle around the Haerndean village will help you find enough wood for survival. While exploring the landscape, keep your eyes open to pick up any stick or deadwood, as each piece will provide you with one piece of wood.
However, there’s an easier way to get wood early in the game: by cutting down Young Trees in the Jungle. To do that, you will need to craft an axe.
How to Craft an Axe
Fortunately, crafting an axe is a simple process in Bellwright and can be done quickly from your inventory. You will need 6 Wood and 2 Crude Stone to craft an axe. As mentioned above, search the village for sticks that do not belong to the village and collect them by holding LMB. Crude Stones can be found in the same way, and are abundant near the mountain areas around the village and the jungle.
Once you have collected enough wood and stones, craft the axe. Follow these simple steps:
- Open your inventory by pressing ‘I’ on your keyboard.
- You will find the Simple Axe below your Inventory space under the Quick Craft section.
- Put your cursor over the Axe icon, then press and hold the Left Mouse button to craft it. Once the crafting process is completed, the axe will be added to your inventory.
How to Get Flax
Early in the game, Flax can be a hard resource to find, especially if you are searching for them in the jungle area. This is one reason why setting up a base only surrounded by trees and jungles is not recommended. While jungles can be a great source of wood, they lack other vital resources like the Flax, which is essential in the early game.
You will find plenty of Flax in the fields towards the southwest area of the Haerndean village. This field is also a perfect area to build your base for three reasons. It is surrounded by jungles from which to collect wood, the fields have enough flax and sage for you to harvest, and it is also closer to the village, so you will have to travel shorter at the starting quests.
In addition to the field towards the southwest direction, there are some other locations where you can find plenty of Flax. These locations have been marked in the screenshots attached above.
Building the Personal Shack
Once you have collected 10 Wood and 6 Flax, you can craft a Personal Shaft. Open the build menu by pressing ‘B’ on your keyboard, and open the Management section. From there, click on Personal Shaft, and then press F to start placing a holographic version of the Personal Shaft. Once you are done, put all the resources into the building and complete the construction process.
Platform(s) PC Released April 23, 2024 Developer(s) Donkey Crew Genre(s) Survival , Open-World , RPG