Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

Zau has a range of skills to unlock and upgrade in Tales of Kenzera: Zau, but these ones should be prioritized first.

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

In Tales of Kenzera: Zau, players embark on the journey of Zau as he tries to bring his father back to life from the Realm of the Dead. As the player progresses through the game and defeats enemies, they will earn enough skill points to invest into the various abilities in the game. Skills in the game not only enhance the gameplay but also allow the gamers to play to their stylistic preferences.

There are 16 skills in total, and players have the freedom to choose to unlock the upgraded versions of the different abilities. Unlocking all the skills is not necessary, but it counts towards 100% and also pops a trophy/achievement named, "Shaman of All Trades".

Best Moon Skills To Unlock First in Tales of Kenzera: Zau

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

There are eight Moon Skills in the game. Below is a table listing all of them and information on which ones are the best.



Perfect Recharge

Press Square/X at the right time during a recharge to instantly refill Zau's Light Charges and grant a temporary damage boost.

Adept Deflection

Press Triangle/Y at the right time to deflect incoming hostile projectiles.

Increased Light Charges

Increases the maximum amount of Light Charges to 12.

Light Barrage

Press and hold Square/X to build up intense power, then release Square/X to unleash a brutal barrage of Light Charges.

Lunar Blast II

Increases the width and damage of Lunar Blast.


Hold R2/RT near projectiles or enemies on low health to put them in a static field. Release the button to launch them in any direction.

Perfect Light Barrage

While charging Light Barrage, release Square/X at the perfect time to increase damage.

Lunar Blast II

Increases the width and damage of Lunar Blast, maximizing its effect.

As you are given a choice between two or three skill upgrades, you can choose the ones that stand out to you. The following skills seem to be the best out of the bunch.

Perfect Recharge

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

Perfect Recharge makes the Moon side very viable, as recharging can normally take quite a lot of time, making players switch to Sun instead. However, with the Perfect Recharge skill, you can time your reload, refilling the charges quicker and getting increased damage for a short duration.

Increased Light Charges

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

At the start of the game, Zau has eight charges that can be reloaded quickly using the Perfect Recharge Skill. In order to fight airborne enemies, you need to use the Moon's Light Charges, and having the ability to shoot more of them before reloading can be extremely useful in a handful of situations. This should be the first Skill that you unlock on the Moon Side.

Lunar Blast II

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

Lunar Blast is one of the most overpowered abilities in the game, covering a massive radius. It can also be moved up and down quite fast, allowing you to deal with airborne enemies as well. With this skill upgrade, not only does the radius of the skill improve, but also the output damage. This is a necessary skill to unlock if you want to unlock further skills down in the tree.


Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

Seize is one of the most unique skills on the Moon side, as it allows you to launch enemies or projectiles with the press of a button. These can be aimed, allowing you to throw one enemy towards another, knocking both of them out or off a platform into the spikes. Unlocking this skill might take some time, as it is located on the lower side of the tree, but once unlocked, it changes the gameplay significantly.

Best Sun Skills To Unlock First in Tales of Kenzera: Zau

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

Similar to the Moon Skills, there are also eight Sun Skills to unlock. Being more close-ranged focus, these Skills can come in handy against most enemy types.



Perfect Strike

During a Light Attack combo, pressing Square/X at the perfect time grants increased damage on the next strike.

Extended Form

Adds an additional strike to Zau's Light Attack Combo.

Solar Quake

While airborne, hold the Left Stick down and Triangle/Y to smash into the ground, dealing damage and knocking back enemies.

Supernova II

Increases the radius and damage of Supernova.


On the final strike of a Light Attack Combo, the enemy will burst into flames.

Solar Flare

Enemies caught in the Solar Quake will burst into Flames.


Akida's Spear can pierce and break through multiple enemies.

Supernova III

Increase the radius and damage of Supernova, maximizing its effect.

Perfect Strike

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

The Perfect Strike skill can be hard to perform as you need to press a button at the perfect time. However, once you get the hang of the timing, you can make sure every Light Attack combo you do deals increased damage to the enemies and shortens the time spent in fighting.

Extended Form

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

For most closed-ranged enemy interactions, you will have to rely on your Sun Light Attack combo. This can deal a lot of damage and leave the enemies with a small amount of HP left in most cases. To fully finish the job, you will have to unlock the Extended Form, which adds another strike to the combo, increasing the total damage dealt to the enemies.

Supernova II

Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

Supernova is the main damage-dealing ability of the Sun side. This ability is extremely useful in Spirit Rituals, where you have to deal with groups of enemies at the same time. This skill upgrade increases its radius and damage, making sure enemies go out much quicker.


Best Skills To Unlock First in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

As Sun's main form of attack is the Light Attack combo, it is best to unlock skills that further enhance it. The Ignite skill makes it so that the final attack of the combo causes the enemies to burst into flames. This does not have a cooldown, so you can proc it on all enemies.

Unlocking all the Skills does not take much time as the game is not that long. If you are going for the 100%, then you do not have to worry because by the time you face the final boss, you will have all the skills unlocked.

Platform(s) PC , PS5 , Switch , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released April 23, 2024 Developer(s) Surgent Studios Genre(s) Platformer

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