Clash Royale: Best Decks with Spear Goblins

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  • Clash Royale Spear Goblins Overview
  • Best Decks with Spear Goblins in Clash Royale

Clash Royale is a game of strategy where you’ll need to outplay your opponent in order to secure the win. Spear Goblins are among the first batch of cards that were added to the game on release. Despite so many new cards available these days, you’ll still find Spear Goblins consistently appearing in many of the popular decks in Ultimate Champion.

Whether they’re picking off air troops, supporting a push, or baiting out spells, Spear Goblins add value to almost any deck. Though they may not single-handedly take towers, they are often an important piece of the overall deck setup. Here are some of the best decks with Spear Goblins that you’ll want to try out in Clash Royale.

Clash Royale Spear Goblins Overview

Clash Royale: Best Decks with Spear Goblins

Spear Goblins is a Common rarity card that serves as one of the most cost-effective units in Clash Royale. On deployment, it spawns three spear-wielding Goblins in a triangular formation. Unlike the normal Goblins card, Spear Goblins can target both air and ground troops. Each unit in Spear Goblins has an attack range of 5.5 tiles.

At tournament standard levels, Spear Goblins boast the following stats:

  • Hitpoints: 133
  • Ranged Damage: 81
  • Hit Speed: 1.7 sec
  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Range: 5.5
  • Count: x3

Their low hitpoints make Spear Goblins vulnerable to every single spell in the game, including Rage. However, at just 2 elixirs, Spear Goblins excel at baiting out enemy spells like The Log or Arrows, protecting your more valuable troops. Though primarily serving as a support unit, their ability to engage from a safe distance of 5.5 tiles and target flying units makes them extremely effective in defense.

Best Decks with Spear Goblins in Clash Royale

Clash Royale: Best Decks with Spear Goblins

Here are some of the best Clash Royale decks that use Spear Goblins in the current meta.

  • Miner Poison Control
  • Cage Log Bait
  • Marcher Nado Wall Breakers

You’ll find more information about these decks below.

Miner Poison Control

Clash Royale: Best Decks with Spear Goblins

Control decks aren’t the same as cycle decks in Clash Royale. While cycle decks focus on aggressive gameplay, control decks take a more defensive approach. And when it comes to control decks, the Miner Poison Control is as classic as it gets in the game. There have been many variations of the deck, but this is currently the best one.

Here are the cards you’ll need for this deck:

Card Name

Elixir Cost

Evo Wall Breakers


Evo Bats


Spear Goblins


The Log










With a measly 2.9 average elixir cost, this deck allows you to play fast and be as aggressive as you want to be without being punished for it. The deck is mainly played around cycling the Miner on the tower along with the Evo Wall Breakers. You also have the Poison spell to continuously apply pressure on the enemy tower or DPS to down their push.

The addition of Spear Goblins and Evo Bats in this deck gives you a lot of options both offensively and defensively. You can place them at the bridge as you send a Miner to the opponent’s tower to get chip damage. Over time, the damage adds up, and you can Poison-Log your way to victory.

Goblinstein, the newest champion card in Clash Royale, made this deck even stronger. The original version didn’t have any tank, which meant you often had to cycle your Miner on defense. Now, you can just place the Goblinstein down, and the Monster can distract the support troops when your opponent decides to go on the offensive.

This deck uses the Tower Princess Tower Troop.

Cage Log Bait

Clash Royale: Best Decks with Spear Goblins

Log Bait is the most recognizable deck archetype in Clash Royale. There have been countless variations of the Log Bait in the game over the years. And while the Cage Log Bait is far from the best Log Bait deck out there, it’s pretty much the only variant that uses the Spear Goblins.

Here are the cards you’ll need for this deck:

Card Name

Elixir Cost

Evo Goblin Barrel


Evo Goblin Cage


Spear Goblins


Dart Goblin


Goblin Gang


Goblin Demolisher


Goblin Machine




While most Log Bait decks focus on offense above all, the Cage Log Bait is a defensive deck. Of course, the Evo Goblin Barrel is still the main win condition here, but you’ve got plenty of alternate ways to get tower damage using the Goblin Machine, Goblin Demolisher, or even the Dart Goblin with its high attack speed.

Goblin Gang, Spear Goblins, and the Evo Goblin Cage make up the main defensive line for this deck. And as the final piece of the puzzle, you’ve got the Goblinstein, giving you access to the champion cycle and an additional tank to distract your opponent’s troops or create a push down a lane.

The biggest weakness of this deck is anti-swarm units. Cards like the Witch or Baby Dragon can counter this deck heavily. As for spell cards, you’ll want to bait out Arrows, The Log, or Zap with your cheap troops before going in with the Goblin Barrel. This deck was extremely powerful in the Goblin Queen’s Journey game mode. But you’ll still have a decent win rate on the Trophy Road once you fully master it.

This deck uses the Tower Princess Tower Troop.

Marcher Nado Wall Breakers

Clash Royale: Best Decks with Spear Goblins

Marcher Nado Wall Breakers is another control deck in Clash Royale, and like before, it also uses the Miner as one of its key pieces. And when there’s a Miner in the deck as well as Spear Goblins, you can always get consistent chip damage on the enemy tower without spending too many elixirs.

Here are the cards you’ll need for this deck:

Card Name

Elixir Cost

Evo Skeletons


Evo Wall Breakers


Spear Goblins






Magic Archer


Bomb Tower




Similar to the Miner Poison Control deck mentioned above, the Marcher Nado Wall Breaker plays a bit more defensively than the average cycle or Beatdown decks in Clash Royale. Sure, you don’t have to spend too much elixirs to get chip damage on the tower. But since you don’t have a high DPS unit like Pekka or Inferno Dragon, you’ll need every bit of elixirs you have to defend against big pushes. The Evo Skeletons make things easier, but you won’t have it in cycle to defend every push.

Although you’ve got Wall Breakers in this deck, your main damage combo is Magic Archer and Tornado. The ideal scenario is to deploy the Goblinstein to force your opponents to defend. Then, when they place a troop to take it out, you’ll place the Magic Archer at the bridge to line up hits on the enemy tower. Use the Tornado to pull the enemy troops back as the Magic Archer takes out the tower all by himself.

Then again, pulling it off is easier said than done. Your opponent can easily counter the strat with a well-placed The Log or a simple Fireball. If you keep getting countered, then you’ll have to rely on cycling Wall Breakers and Miners while Spear Goblins get a few value hits on the enemy tower.

This deck uses the Tower Princess Tower Troop.

When used smartly, Spear Goblins can often provide value well above their elixir cost. But it’s all about your strategy and how well you can think under pressure. Feel free to give these decks a try and swap out the cards as you see fit the next time you hop into battle in Clash Royale.

Platform(s) Android , iOS Released March 2, 2016 Developer(s) Supercell Publisher(s) Supercell Multiplayer Online Multiplayer Engine Unity ESRB t Expand

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