Classic Nintendo DS Horror Game Coming Soon to PS4 and PS5

The PlayStation 4 and PS5 are getting a classic horror game that originally launched on the Nintendo DS, and it’s due to release soon.

Classic Nintendo DS Horror Game Coming Soon to PS4 and PS5


  • Dementium: The Ward, a cult classic survival horror game, will be released for PS4 and PS5 on April 19.
  • Originally inspired by Silent Hill, Dementium: The Ward puts players in the role of an amnesiac trying to escape a psychiatric hospital ward.
  • The PS4/PS5 version seems to be identical to the one released for Nintendo Switch in October 2023.

The classic survival horror game Dementium: The Ward is finally coming to non-portable consoles and will be released on PS4 and PS5 on April 19. Developed by Renegade Kid, Dementium: The Ward originally released on the Nintendo DS in 2007 and received a 3DS port in 2015. While the game received overall mixed reviews when it first launched, it has gained somewhat of a cult following and is now considered by many to have been generally underrated.

In October 2023, Dementium: The Ward was released for Nintendo Switch, and the port renewed interest in the horror classic. Told from a first-person perspective, Renegade Kid’s debut game puts players in the role of William Redmoor, an amnesiac who is trying to escape from a psychiatric hospital ward. Of course, there are monsters and puzzles to overcome along the way, as well as plenty of creepy atmosphere and lighting to provide a well-rounded survival horror experience.

Atooi, the current license holder and publisher of the game’s Switch version has announced that the survival horror classic Dementium: The Ward will be released for PS4 and PS5 on April 19, and this version seems to be identical to the one created for Nintendo Switch. The game was built “from the ground up” for larger screens and offers both an HD mode with a resolution of 1080P at 60FPS and a retro mode that, if identical to the Switch version, emulates a 3DS display at 240P.

Dementium: The Ward PS4/PS5 Version Announced

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