DayZ Throws Serious Shade at Escape from Tarkov

In the wake of Escape from Tarkov’s controversial $250 Unheard Edition, DayZ takes the opportunity to throw some serious shade at its competitor.

DayZ Throws Serious Shade at Escape from Tarkov


  • DayZ mocks Escape from Tarkov's $250 Unheard Edition with a $250 Starter Loot Bundle pack.
  • The bundle includes "a juicy apple, a trusty glow stick, and a lifesaving bandage."
  • DayZ has a history of poking fun at competitors, like The Day Before.

DayZ has thrown some serious shade in Escape from Tarkov's direction, after the latter revealed its controversial $250 Unheard Edition. There's no doubt that the Escape from Tarkov community is frustrated with the game at the moment, and DayZ has taken the opportunity to taunt its competitor about the situation.

DayZ is a game that deserves a lot of praise for its longevity. It began life as an Arma 2 mod developed by Dean Hall, before receiving a 2013 standalone release into Early Access with the development team at Bohemia Interactive. The Early Access release faced its fair share of criticism, with players claiming it lacked many of the features that made the original mod so special. Bohemia Interactive persevered, with a full release of the game finally arriving in 2018. With updates galore over the years, DayZ has become one of the best survival games on the market, and retains an extremely healthy player count.

DayZ hasn't missed a beat in the wake of Escape from Tarkov's controversial Unheard Edition. In a listing on the Bohemia Store, the $250 DayZ Starter Loot Bundle was shown off to gamers, "packed with essentials straight from Chernarus, including a juicy apple, a trusty glow stick, and a lifesaving bandage." The entire listing is hilarious and even offers a fun disclaimer, claiming, "While we can't guarantee that this apple will make the journey intact, it's all part of the DayZ experience! Embrace the unpredictability." Considering how frustrated Escape from Tarkov fans are about the new Unheard Edition, which offers exclusive access to a new PvE co-op mode, this is some shade that is likely to cut deep.

DayZ Throws Shade At Escape From Tarkov's Unheard Edition

DayZ has never been shy about mocking its competitors when they make a wrong move. A few months back, DayZ also threw shade at The Day Before, the controversial survival title that was swiftly shut down due to the state of the game. Ultimately, this is all in good fun from Bohemia Interactive. DayZ certainly had its share of detractors for many years while it remained in Early Access, which the developer had to endure while it worked to emerge on the other side. Now, with DayZ in a better state than ever before, it may feel it has earned the right to poke light fun like this through years of effort.

With DayZ now over a decade old, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for the game. It was recently announced that the game would be merging with the Livonia DLC, giving it to players who hadn't previously purchased the map for free. The game is home to several of the biggest video game worlds, and the endless exploration of these maps is a big part of the reason DayZ remains such a compelling experience after all this time.

Platform(s) PC , Xbox One , PS4 Released December 13, 2018 Developer(s) Bohemia Interactive Publisher(s) Bohemia Interactive Genre(s) Survival

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