One Destiny 2 player manages to clear the Legend version of the Onslaught horde-style mode completely solo, leaving the community in shock.
- One player achieves a world first by soloing all 50 Onslaught waves on Legend difficulty in Destiny 2, creating buzz among fans.
- Xeneris completes Legend Onslaught solo with a Deadfall Nightstalker loadout along with Lucky Pants and the Gjallarhorn exotic rocket launcher.
- The accomplishment leaves the community impressed and stunned, as Xeneris is confirmed to be the first to reach this milestone.
To the surprise of many fans, one Destiny 2 player is able to completely solo all 50 waves of the Onslaught horde mode on legend difficulty. It appears that the Into The Light event was exactly what Destiny 2 players needed, as the overall experience has seemingly been a big hit. The event provided an influx of new content, with the Hall of Champions acting as a new social space and a gathering ground for those looking to acquire the return of fan-favorite weapons in the BRAVE arsenal in between the PvE horde mode activity called Onslaught.
Onslaught takes elements from classic horde modes from games like Halo 3: ODST and Gears of War, pitting players against waves of enemies, mixing boss battles and other side objectives to help break up the combat. Adding a progression system on top of the activity and randomized rolls of returning weapons like Edge Transit and The Recluse, Onslaught has managed to help Destiny 2 make a comeback after the game saw major lulls with its player base earlier in the year. While the Legend version of Onslaught is supposed to be a difficulty, end-game style challenge, one player has seemingly done the impossible by taking it on completely solo.
A player named Xeneris confirmed that they have finished all 50 waves in Destiny 2's Legend Onslaught mode by themselves. Finishing with nearly 1700 kills, Xeneris indicated that the full run took over 90 minutes, ultimately ending with a massive score of 29,206. What makes this achievement even more impressive, besides the fact that they are the first to fully finish this by themselves, is that the Legend difficulty demands coordination from a fireteam to know not only how to stop enemies from rushing and destroying the ADU device, but where to utilize choke points as well as spending scrap on setting up defenses.
How did Xeneris Finish Destiny 2's Onslaught Mode Solo?
The question most fans had for Xeneris after the reveal was what loadout they were using. Thankfully, Xeneris obliged by posting a video of the full run, giving others insight into what guns, abilities, and gear they used as well as the tactics utilized to slow down the Hive. Xeneris took their Nightstalker Hunter into Legend Onslaught outfitted with the Deadfall super, Gjallarhorn exotic Rocket Launcher, and Lucky Pants exotic armor. All three weapons, including a legendary Hand Cannon and Sidearm, were able to deal with the three types of Destiny 2 champion enemies and utilizing upgraded decoys to distract some of the enemies.
While Xeneris managed to get through the mode legitimately, many fans are looking for fast ways to rank up with Lord Shaxx. Some have taken to replaying the first 20 waves of Onslaught on Legend difficulty due to how rewarding and quickly it can be completed, though there are some Destiny 2 players who have found a cheese method. During the boss phases, players are taken inside a Pyramid Ship with a different room layout, including one spot which not only provides extremely safe cover, but it's also an area that enemies seemingly refuse to go into at all.
Platform(s) PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One , PC , Stadia Released August 28, 2017 Developer(s) Bungie Publisher(s) Bungie Genre(s) FPS Multiplayer Online Multiplayer , Online Co-Op ESRB T For TEEN for Blood, Language, and Violence Expansions Destiny 2: Forsaken , Destiny 2: Shadowkeep , Destiny 2: Beyond Light , Destiny 2: The Witch Queen , Destiny 2: Lightfall See at Playstation StoreSee at AmazonSee at Walmart