Fallout 4 has a quest that’s been added as part of a ‘next gen’ update called ‘Echoes of the Past.’
Following the success of the popular live-action Fallout series, many players will have returned to the games and been pleasantly surprised with the additional content of the new Next Gen Update. While mod users may have some difficulty reconfiguring their modlists, the new update has brought a number of improvements as well as several new quests offering the opportunity to retrieve new unique gear such as Enclave weapons and armor. The Enclave are a powerful faction in the Fallout universe, featured most prominently as the antagonists of Fallout 3.
As part of the Next Gen Update, the Enclave makes a return in the form of the side quest "Echoes of the Past," which gives players the opportunity to recover some very powerful and unique Fallout 4 weapons, armors, and skins associated with the faction. The update also introduced the Makeshift Weapon pack, accessible through the quest "When Pigs Fly," and the Halloween Workshop, accessible through "All Hallow's Eve." The Enclave Remnants gear includes the following items, which players can unlock by following this guide:
- X-02 Power Armor
- Hellfire Power Armor
- Heavy Incinerator
- Tesla Cannon
- Enclave Weapon Skins
- Enclave Armor Skins
Echoes of the Past Walkthrough — Fallout 4
Investigate The Missing Caravan
By selecting the mission "Echoes of the Past" from the Data section of the pip-boy, players will see that it relates to a missing caravan. Players will be tasked with investigating the last known location of the missing caravan, which lies just north of the Saugus Ironworks and east of the Greentop Nursery settlement. Key landmarks to look for in the area include a small stream and a collapsed overpass, both of which can be seen on the in-game map.
Traces of the caravan can be found on a small bridge that crosses the stream near the collapsed overpass. Upon approaching, players will be guided to their next objective: Follow The Blood Splatters. There are only a small number of puddles to follow, and they will lead players to the nearby Enclave encampment.
Kill The Hostile Soldiers
If the Enclave soldiers are alerted, they will attack on sight, but players must clear them from the base regardless. There are three soldiers present at this encampment, with two lesser-armored and poorly equipped soldiers and a Legendary Enclave Soldier. Looting these soldiers once defeated will grant players their first set of Enclave weapons and armor.
The Legendary Enclave Soldier will be equipped with a set of X-02 Power Armor, an upgraded variant of the X-01 Armor already present in the game. Once defeated, players will be able to take this from him along with any other useful gear.
Read The Terminal For Information
With the soldiers out of the way, players will then be able to explore their encampment, which has several ammo crates and other items worth investigating. In order to progress, players will need to interact with the terminal on the desk near the sleeping quarters.
The terminal will present several options, all of which are worth reading in order to get a better idea of what the Enclave are doing in the commonwealth. Players will need to select the Download Homing Beacon Frequency option to progress.
Track The Enclave Homing Beacon Within The Glowing Sea
With the beacon downloaded, players will quickly realize that it is directing them to The Glowing Sea. It is possible to fast travel either to the edge of The Glowing Sea or to a previously discovered landmark within it. Once there, an icon will appear in the upper-left portion of the screen, indicating the player's closeness to the beacon with a percentage. The higher the percentage, the closer the player is to discovering the beacon's location.
If the homing frequency does not display automatically, it may be necessary to select it from the pip-boy menu.
Clear The Atlantic Offices Building of Enclave Soldiers
After tracking the beacon's homing frequency across the Glowing Sea, players will likely encounter a series of Ghouls, Deathclaws, and Radscorpions, depending on their chosen route. On the far western hill, near the Capsized Factory and Crater of Atom landmarks, a small bunker-like structure will become visible.
The building is heavily guarded by Enclave Soldiers, but defeating them will allow players to recover more X-02 Power Armor and the Tesla Cannon. The easiest way to enter the building is via the roof, but being spotted by the Enclave Soldiers will trigger a Lockdown to be activated, blocking all exits from the offices.
End The Lockdown
In order to end the lockdown, players will need to defeat the Enclave Colonel and retrieve the Enclave Terminal Password from their body. With this acquired, players can end the lockdown on a computer terminal and complete the quest by exiting the building. However, more information can be gained from the terminal.
Players can also find the locations of three more Enclave encampments under the Encampment Distribution tab, which will provide blueprints for the unique Enclave cosmetic skins for weapons and armor.
Upon exiting the building, players will be attacked by a Vertibird and several Enclave Hellfire troopers. Defeating the Hellfire troopers will enable players to recover the Heavy Incenerator/Napalmer and a full set of Enclave Hellfire Mk. VI Armor.
Three Enclave Encampments
While the mission "Echoes of the Past" is technically complete following the defeat of the Enclave Vertibird, players can still obtain more Enclave-related rewards by searching for the Enclave Encampments in the "Miscellaneous" section of the Quests tab.
There are three encampments in total, and players will need to recover an Enclave Encampment Manual from each one to unlock the blueprints for cosmetic items, as well as shutting down the Communications Tower at each one to prevent further Enclave Garrisons from respawning.
- The Southern Encampment is located closest to the Glowing Sea and contains the blueprints to Enclave Barricades for settlement workshops.
- The Western Encampment is located near the Medford Memorial Hospital and contains the blueprints to the Enclave paint job for power armor, as well as the Enclave Flag and Enclave Crate for settlement workshops.
- The Eastern Encampment is located near the Museum of Witchcraft, in the North-Eastern area of the map, it contains blueprints to the Enclave Laser Turret and Enclave Comm Tower in settlement workshops.
Players can always freely return to these encampments and reactivate the Communications Towers to attract more Enclave enemies to the Commonwealth, which can help provide any of the unique loot they possess if players have missed it the first time around.
Franchise Fallout Platform(s) PS4 , Xbox One , PC Released November 10, 2015 Developer(s) Bethesda Publisher(s) Bethesda