Want to stock up on money, also known as P, in Endless Ocean Luminous? Here are the best methods to utilize.
In Endless Ocean Luminous, money is referred to as P, and is used to purchase new items such as new color patterns for your diving gear, new stickers for your outfit, and emotes to use while playing with others. Customization is one of the best parts of the game, so stocking up on money can allow you to change your character to your tastes.
If you're noticing that you are a bit low on money in the game, there are luckily a few methods you can use to stack up on P. To increase your wealth, here's what you need to do.
How to Get Money Fast in Endless Ocean Luminous
There are a couple of methods to earn money in Endless Ocean Luminous, including finding new creatures to scan, and other common tasks. If you're looking to stock up on P as quickly as possible, here's what you can do.
Register New Creatures
The first method you can use to get yourself a good amount of P is registering new creatures in the game. The easiest and fastest way to do this is through Solo Dives, although you can also do this by Shared Dives if you prefer. With Solo Dives, you can either begin a completely new dive, or you can visit a dive site to explore a specific region. This is a great method to use, so you can find completely new creatures that you haven't scanned before. You'll need to get a Dive ID to use this method, which can be obtained after visiting an area previously, opening up your map using X, and checking the coordinates. At the end of the dive, the game will provide you with a Dive ID to utilize later.
Each time you scan a new regular creature, you'll get 30 P. As for rare creatures, you'll get double the amount of money, and special sizes can give you up to 300 P each. Overall, the more rare the creature, the more you'll get a large amount of money. You'll also get additional cash for newly logged creatures, outside of creatures that have already been scanned.
Pick Up Salvage
The best way to get a large amount of money at once is to pick up salvage items on the sea floor. Depending on the item, you can get upwards of 1,000 P per piece. To get salvage items, stick to the bottom of the sea floor, and you'll find sparkling, yellow items on the ground that you can even tag if you want to keep track of its location. Some dive locations will have a lot more salvage than others, so if you find it difficult to spot any salvage, you can leave the dive and start a brand new one.
Explore New Areas
Finally, the simplest method for getting money in the game is just exploring each dive area. All you need to do for this is keep track of the map on the right side of the screen, where it will show gray areas for spots you haven't explored yet. Just travel through each of these spots, and they'll show that you've explored through them, earning you a good amount of cash in return.
How to Use Money in Endless Ocean Luminous
Whenever you gain P in Endless Ocean Luminous, you can use it for a few different customization options. This includes:
- Color Patterns for diving gear
- Stickers for diving gear
- Emotes to use during multiplayer
There are tons of options available for customizing your character, and you can choose individual colors and stickers for each section, including your helmet, flippers, suit, and oxygen tank. Some items will require you to be higher in rank to unlock them using money, so make sure to complete more missions and take part in solo and multiplayer dives.
Platform(s) Nintendo Switch Released May 2, 2024 Developer(s) Arika Genre(s) Adventure