The Brotherhood of Steel is one of several factions in Fallout 4, and here is how you can join their ranks.
The Brotherhood of Steel are arguably the most iconic faction in the Fallout franchise. Donning the famous T-series Power Armor and laser weaponry, they are one of the strongest forces in post-war America, and one of the central factions in Fallout 4. Players will get the opportunity to not only help the Brotherhood on certain missions, but even have the option to join them, ascend their ranks and side with them when it comes to deciding the ultimate fate of the Commonwealth at the main questline's conclusion.
There are a number of benefits to joining the Brotherhood of Steel such as a powerful and well-defended base of operations, access to power armor and advanced weaponry, as well as unique quests, vendors and companions that may otherwise be inaccessible.
Players will not be able to simply join the Brotherhood as soon as they have emerged from Vault 111. Instead, it will first be necessary to reach a certain point in the game's main story in order for them to appear. The Brotherhood of Steel are just one of several factions throughout the game, many of which contain their own unique stories, characters and the possibility to join them.
How To Trigger The Appearance of the Brotherhood of Steel
To begin with, there will be no, or very limited, Brotherhood of Steel presence throughout the Commonwealth. Players will need to complete the mission "Reunions", which is part of the main story questline, in order to trigger their arrival. Having tracked down Kellog to Fort Hagen and dealt with him, players will notice a large Brotherhood airship flying overhead as they exit the building — signifying their arrival in the Commonwealth and the player's freedom to now interact with them.
Once this event has taken place, a new military radio signal and the mission "Fire Support" will become available, directing players to the Cambridge Police Station in the city. The radio signal can be listened to in the vicinity of Lexington and College Square, which will provide a quest marker for players searching for the station. Upon arriving at Cambridge Police Station, players will encounter several Brotherhood Knights in combat with a swarm of feral ghouls. Once the ghouls have been defeated, players can head inside to talk to Paladin Danse.
How To Join The Brotherhood of Steel
Following on from "Fire Support", Paladin Danse will present players with the quest "Call To Arms". This quest involves accompanying Danse to the ArcJet Systems building, where he plans to investigate some anomalous energy readings which are interfering with the Brotherhood's communications transmitter. Inside, players will have several enemies to deal with including Glowing Ones, and will also be required to hack several terminals along the way. Having cleared the building and completed the mission, Paladin Danse will then commend the player on their efforts, offering them a chance to join the Brotherhood of Steel if they so choose.
After completing "Call To Arms", players will then begin the mission "Semper Invicta", in which they must return to the Cambridge Police Station and speak with Danse again. After this conversation, a number of small objectives will become available to help the other initiates around the station, and players will have been field promoted to the rank of "Intitiate". It is also possible to address Danse again to immediately head for the Prydwen, the Brotherhood's large airship. Upon confirming they are ready, players can then head with Danse in a vertibird directly to the Prydwen, beginning the mission "Shadow of Steel".
How To Get Promoted Within The Brotherhood of Steel
Having arrived at the Pryden, players will be required to attend a debriefing with Elder Maxson. However, before this has happened, Danse and the player will be greeted by Lancer Captain Kells. Danse vouches for "the intitiate" and mentions his desire to have them enlisted, to which Kells responds that he and Maxon have read the reports already and decided to approve the request. Players can then head inside to the command deck in order to hear Elder Maxson's address. When he has finished giving his speech to the new initiates, players can then talk to him, where he will grant them the rank of Knight along with a suit of power armor which can be retrieved from the workshop area on the main flight deck.
From this moment, players are now officially part of the Brotherhood of Steel, but it does not end there. Players can also be promoted within the ranks of the Brotherhood and choose a unique Brotherhood of Steel faction ending to the main questline if they so choose. By speaking with Paladin Danse, they will also be able to recruit him as a companion. In order to achieve the rank of Paladin, players will need to complete the quest "Blind Betrayal", while becoming a Sentinel is reserved only for those who choose the Brotherhood of Steel ending for the main story questline. Sentintel is the highest rank players can achieve within Fallout 4, and there are plenty of optional side quests to complete for members of the Brotherhood including Proctor Quinlan, Scribe Neriah and Proctor Ingram.
Platform(s) PS4 , Xbox One , PC Developer(s) Bethesda Genre(s) RPG , Action Released November 10, 2015