Fallout 4: How to Level Up Fast

Get strong fast with this guide to leveling up in Fallout 4.

Fallout 4: How to Level Up Fast

Like most RPGs, leveling up plays an important role in Fallout 4. As the primary method of building a character, choosing how to spend points is at the heart of the Fallout experience. Many players will look over the S.P.E.C.I.A.L perk chart and start dreaming of ways to make their character as powerful as possible. Unfortunately, however, the process of leveling up can be painfully slow.

Players looking to level up fast in Fallout 4 will be happy to know that there are several tips and tricks that can expedite the process. By design, the process is meant to feel earned, so it will never be instantaneous (unless Fallout 4 Mods are installed, but that is another story). This guide will teach players how to take advantage of several mechanics, and get that former Vault Dweller leveling in no time.

How to Level Up Fast in Fallout 4

Fallout 4: How to Level Up Fast

There are several strategies players can use to level up quickly in Fallout 4. They begin the moment the player has control, even before entering the Commonwealth. Allocating points into the correct S.P.E.C.I.A.L. categories will be the first step to quickly leveling up.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Allocation and Perks:

Fallout 4: How to Level Up Fast

One of the best things players can do is rest often. Sleeping in a bed for several hours will award the Well Rested perk, which grants a 10% XP Boost. This lasts for 8 in-game hours. It may not always work in every bed. To be sure, use a player-built bed at a settlement, or a rented room.

  • It is important for players to remember that Intelligence level dictates how much XP is earned. When creating your Sole Survivor, make sure to allocate around 5 points into Intelligence. During the early-game, you don't want it too high, as it works in conjunction with the Idiot Savant perk.
  • Unlock the Idiot Savant perk early. It can be found in the Luck category at level 5. The first level of this perk randomly rewards 3x XP for any action. The second level randomly awards 5x. The lower the Intelligence level, the better the chance. This perk is incredibly helpful when performing certain high-volume tasks, such as certain types of crafting.
  • Acquire Piper as a companion early. She is the journalist that writes Publick Occurrences, and is found in Diamond City. Maxing out her affinity will award Fallout 4's Gift of Gab perk, which doubles the XP awarded for finding new POIs.

Exploration and Gameplay:

Fallout 4: How to Level Up Fast

  • Exploring the world is one of the best ways to level-up quickly. Discovering new POIs rewards players with a decent amount of XP. When working in conjunction with Intelligence levels, exploring is incredibly beneficial.
  • Invest fully in Lockpicking and Hacking. While exploring, make sure to check chests, toolboxes, chem and medical stashes, and anything that could be locked. Approach computer terminals the same way. Lockpicking is found under Perception (tier 4), and Hacking is found under Intelligence (tier 4). They both have four skill levels: Novice, which can be picked/hacked without investing in the perks, and then Advanced, Expert, and Master.
  • It may seem obvious, but killing enemies will be one of the primary methods of gaining XP. It is absolutely worth searching an entire building for all the enemies, lockpicking, and hacking opportunities.

Crafting and Camp-Building:

Fallout 4: How to Level Up Fast

  • Both crafting and camp-building in Fallout 4 will offer a small amount of XP every time an action is done.
  • Camp-building can almost be seen as a way to 'cheese' XP, as it is possible to produce a high number of items in an incredibly short amount of time. This type of high-volume production will trigger Idiot Savant more often, simply based on the amount of times you can quickly acquire XP. It is possible to create, scrap, and recreate over and over, with XP awarded at every point in the cycle.
  • Items like flooring, walls, stairs – anything that is cheap to build and easy to scrap, will work best for this method.

Intelligence and XP Boosting Items:


  • Utilize any clothing or armor that increases Intelligence. For example, the Sharp perk adds a level of INT and CHR (Charisma) to the player character. An entire Sharp wardrobe can drastically increase the Intelligence level. Check every piece of clothing and armor to see if it adds additional INT.
  • Some chems will give a temporary boost to INT, such as Mentats. Try to avoid using too much, as it is addictive, and will have some negative long-term effects.
  • Squirrel Stew offers a 2% XP boost for 2 hours. This may sound small, but when it is used along with the aforementioned strategies, it can generate a lot of extra XP.

Squirrel Stew

  • Bloodleaf x1
  • Carrot x1
  • Dirty Water x2
  • Squirrel Bits x1
  • Tato x1

Players can easily manipulate their XP level by using Fallout 4 's Mods . They are available in both major console editions of Fallout 4 . Using the Cheat Room mod will allow the player to add as much XP as they want at any time.

Platform(s) PS4 , Xbox One , PC Released November 10, 2015 Developer(s) Bethesda Publisher(s) Bethesda Genre(s) RPG , Action

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