Gunpowder isn’t the easiest material to get ahold of in Fallout 76, but here’s how players can increase their stores.
Gunpowder wasn't always a junk item in Fallout 76. When the game was released, gunpowder was stored in the Misc category. It also weighed considerably more than it does today. That said, players who don't have a Fallout 1st subscription will need to go out looking for unrefined gunpowder regularly due to their stash limit. But, with the right knowledge, players can get their hands on lots of unrefined gunpowder quickly and easily.
Unrefined gunpowder is a key component for crafting most types of ballistic ammo. Without ammo, guns are pretty pointless. So, needless to say, unrefined gunpowder is a very important resource.
5 Looting Enemies
Downed Enemies May Carry Gunpowder
At one time, players could find lots of gunpowder on the bodies of certain enemies. This is no longer the case. While the player can still find gunpowder on enemies, it doesn't happen anywhere near as often as it used to.
Gunpowder can sometimes be found on the corpses of Super Mutants, Raiders, Blood Eagles, and Cultists. However, it is not worth hunting down these enemies for gunpowder, as there are better ways of getting the stuff. Using bullets to kill enemies that may drop gunpowder just isn't worth it.
4 Ammo Boxes
They Are Everywhere
Ammo Boxes can be found all over Appalachia. During the Great War, people stockpiled weapons and ammo to keep themselves safe. Unfortunately, this didn't do much to protect them from the nuclear apocalypse. On the plus side, these containers are dotted all over the place for players to loot.
Ammo Boxes can be found at just about every location, but some have more than others. The best locations for finding Ammo Containers include:
- Harpers Ferry: 15 containers
- Abandoned Bod Town: 12 containers
- Pleasant Valley Ski Resort: 8 containers
- Outside Of Vault 76: 5 containers
3 Crafting Unrefined Gunpowder
The Best Way To Stock Up
Unrefined gunpowder can be crafted at a Chemistry Station. It costs 3 acid and 5 cloth to produce 15 gunpowder. Since acid and cloth are much easier to find in large quantities than gunpowder itself, the player is better off crafting gunpowder. Also, like with most things in Fallout 76, crafting gunpowder will give the player a small amount of XP. This can be useful for low-level players.
As for the components, acid and cloth are pretty easy to find. Cloth is one of the most common items in the game. As for acid, while it is rarer, it can still be found in large quantities.
Finding Cloth
Cloth is a found in junk items like Pre-War Money, Duct Tape, and most of the Mr Fuzzy Teddy Bears. While this resource can be found almost everywhere, the Collision Course event offers players a large amount of cloth for very little effort.
The event can be started at Morgantown Airport. Simply head to the far side of the airport. If nobody has activated the event in the last 15 minutes, then the event will automatically start. It is an easy event to complete, and it typically awards players around 100 Pre-War Money.
Finding Acid
Acid is a part of various junk items dotted around the ruins of Appalachia:
- Anti Freeze Bottle
- Bag Of Fertilizer
- Coolant
Acid can also be found on certain enemies, like the Grafton Monster, Snallygasters, and Yao Guais. While it is harder to find than cloth, there are a few events that allow players to obtain a fair amount of acid:
- A Colossal Problem
- The Moonshine Jamboree Event
- Irrational Fear
2 Use The Super Duper Perk
Make Crafting Unrefined Gunpowder More Efficient
Every player should equip the Super Duper perk when crafting gunpowder. This perk gives players a chance to craft double the amount of any item they craft. There are three ranks of this perk, and every rank increases the chances of the player crafting double the amount by 10%. This means that at its highest rank, players have a 30% chance to craft double the gunpowder.
This is a must-have perk, not just for crafting gunpowder, but for crafting just about anything. Everything that a player can craft, excluding legendary rolls, mole miner pales, and holiday gifts, are affected by the Super Duper perk. It's worth noting that this perk doesn't unlock until Level 50, so players may have to grind a bit before they can use it.
1 Tag Components For Search
Makes Searching For Specific Junk Items Easier
Players can tag items for search in Fallout 76. While most veteran players already know this, newer players may not. Tagging a component means that a magnifying glass icon will appear whenever the player looks at an item that contains the tagged components. To tag items, just follow the steps below:
- Open the Pip-Boy
- Scroll to the Junk section
- Press the Component View button at the bottom of the screen.
- Scroll through the Junk items and tag any desired components.
Franchise Fallout Platform(s) PC , PS4 , Xbox One Developer(s) Bethesda Genre(s) Action , RPG See at Amazon