Disabling VSync in Fallout 76 can greatly improve your frame rate while gaming. This guide will show you how to do it.
Have you noticed while playing Fallout 76 that your frame rate is stuck, not allowing you to go any higher? If you have a computer capable of running improved frame rates, this can be frustrating and can deteriorate the gaming experience for you. Luckily, there is a way to fix this, either through Steam or Game Pass.
The key to unlocking the frame rate in Fallout 76 is to disable VSync. There is an easy method you can use to do this, so you can improve your experience in the popular post-apocalyptic game. Here's what you need to do to raise your frame rate.
How to Disable VSync in Fallout 76
Regardless of whether you are playing this game through Steam or have it on Game Pass, you can disable VSync in the game. To get started, you'll want to open up your Files Folder on your computer. Then, you'll want to follow these directions:
- Go to your C: Folder on your computer, which should have all of your game files.
- Then, navigate to your username folder, which will have all of your usual folders under it, like Documents, Downloads, Photos, and more.
- Now, go into your Documents folder. There should be a folder in here labeled 'My Games'.
- You should then have a bunch of folders in here of all the games downloaded onto your computer. There will be one for Fallout 76, which you can click on.
- At the bottom, there will be a 'Project76Prefs.ini' file. Open this up.
- In the file, search for the word 'interval'. You can use Ctrl+F to do this.
- There will be a line that says 'iPresentInterval=1'. 1 means that VSync is currently on, so, to turn it off, change the line to 'iPresentInterval=0'.
This should now allow you to get higher frame rates while playing the game, making the game run smoother and allowing for better movement and use of automatic weapons. Make sure to be careful, however, as some computers cannot handle the increased frame rates, so make sure to double-check your computer's capabilities.
How to Increase Frame Rate in Fallout 76
If you just want to increase the overall frame rate in the game without having to go into your files and deactivate VSync, there are other methods you can use. In this case, go to your settings and scroll to Display. The sections that will greatly affect your frame rate include:
- Texture Quality
- Lighting Quality
- Shadow Quality
- Shadow Distance
Changing these to lower settings if you have a slightly weaker PC will greatly improve your FPS, making your gaming experience much more smooth. The surrounding graphics might not look as good, but the game will run much better if you tweak your settings to your computer's needs, allowing you to more easily utilize your weapons and defeat enemies such as the common and incredibly fast feral ghouls.
Platform(s) PC , PS4 , Xbox One Released November 14, 2018 Developer(s) Bethesda Genre(s) Action , RPG