Fallout 76: Pumpkin Locations

Want to make yourself some delicious pumpkin pie in Fallout 76? This guide will show you the best spots to loot some pumpkins.

Fallout 76: Pumpkin Locations

Despite the world of Fallout 76 being a giant wasteland, players can still make themselves some delicious recipes to satisfy their hunger, like pumpkin pie or pumpkin soup. Of course, to make these items, you'll need to get the correct ingredients, including pumpkins, which can be harvested in many different locations across the map.

If you want to cook some delicious dishes with pumpkin at a cooking station, we will show you the best spots to find the popular fruit. To ensure you get a decent amount of pumpkins for your cooking needs, these are the areas we recommend checking out.

Where to Find Pumpkins in Fallout 76

Fallout 76: Pumpkin Locations

There are tons of areas where you can find a few pumpkins in Fallout 76, but there are just a few where you are guaranteed to get a large amount at once. To help you in your search, we will show you the best four locations to get some pumpkins.

Pumpkin House


What might seem like an obvious location to visit is the Pumpkin House. You can find this in the northeastern section of the map, near to the Highland Marsh and Vault 94. The pumpkins directly outside the house will be decor, but you can find some growing in small patches around the house.

Aaronholt Homestead


To find the Aaronholt Homestead, check out the northwestern section of the map. You'll find the area just above Tyler County Fairgrounds and east of WV Lumber Co. When you reach the homestead, make your way southeast until you see a small red tractor. Head directly east from the tractor, where you'll find a patch of a few pumpkins.

Morgantown High School


At Morgantown High School, the whole location is stuck in Halloween, meaning you can find a lot of pumpkins inside. Make your way to the center of the map to the north, where you'll find the school just west of the Rose Room and north of Bolton Greens. Inside the high school, you'll find a lot of fake plastic pumpkins, but there are a few real ones around the hallways and in the cafeteria.

Hornwright Estate


For this last location, you'll find it along Route 93, directly south from Hornwright Estate. This can be found at the very southern tip of the map, and there will be two unmarked houses that have pumpkins around them. There will be a few scavengers at these houses, so you'll know you've found the right ones.

How to Use Pumpkins in Fallout 76

Fallout 76: Pumpkin Locations

After getting yourself a good amount of pumpkins in Fallout 76, there are a few ways you can utilize it in cooking. This includes:

  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Pumpkin Rack
  • Pumpkin Soup
  • Jack O'Lantern

The Pumpkin Rack and Jack O'Lantern will serve as decor for your Camp, wherever you'd like to set them up. To create them, they can be crafted at workshops, which you can claim throughout the map by searching for locations that have the wrench and hammer symbol and are unowned.

As for pumpkin pie and pumpkin soup, you can create these at a cooking station, and they can restore your HP significantly. They are very simple to create, with pumpkin soup only requiring pumpkin and boiled water, and pumpkin pie requiring Boiled Water x2, Mirelurk Egg x2, Pumpkin x2, and Sugar x2. Both of these will require some wood to cook them fully as well.

Platform(s) PC , PS4 , Xbox One Released November 14, 2018 Developer(s) Bethesda Genre(s) Action , RPG

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