Can’t seem to locate the entrance to Emmett Mountain Disposal Site in Fallout 76? This guide will show you where to find it.
Emmett Mountain Disposal Site, similar to New River Gorge Bridge, is an area in Fallout 76 that is a bit tough to get to, as the path to the entrance is not as apparent as others. However, reaching this spot on the map is quite useful, as it can allow you to farm for uncommon items like Hazmat Suits, Magazines, Fusion Cores, Mods, and much more.
If you're unsure where to find this spot on the map, or not sure how to get inside, this guide will give you all the answers you need. The Emmett Mountain Disposal Site will be a frequent location you'll visit once you find it, as it can greatly help with gathering materials.
Where to Find the Emmett Mountain Disposal Site
When searching for the Emmett Mountain Disposal Site on the map in Fallout 76, you'll want to check the southeastern section of the map, near to the National Isolated Radio Array and The Whitespring Resort. You can find it on the map image above.
The best way to start your journey towards Emmett Mountain Disposal Site is from The Whitespring Resort if you've discovered it already. You can fast travel here without spending any caps, and you can head towards the disposal site by making your way directly east. Make sure to go around the mountains in the middle here by heading towards the Middle Mountains Cabins. Follow the road heading northeast for an easy trek. Make sure to keep an eye out for any feral ghouls on your path.
Eventually, you'll reach the front of Emmett Mountain Disposal Site, where you'll spot a few Scavengers in the area. There will also be a ton of feral ghouls in here that you'll need to keep track of, although many of the Scavengers will help you to take them out. To reach the actual inside of the Emmett Mountain Disposal Site, head to the half circle building in the back with the caution hazardous materials sign above it. At the back, there will be a door to enter inside the Emmett Mountain Disposal Site.
Emmett Mountain Disposal Site Loot
Outside the Emmett Mountain Disposal Site, it is the perfect location to loot some scraps for crafting and resources to improve your armor and weapons. In this area, here are some of the notable items you can pick up:
- Crafting scraps (Bowling Pin, Chessboard, Metal Bucket, Mop, etc.)
- Hazmat Suit
- Explosives Crate (Requires Lockpicking Level 1 to open)
Inside the Emmett Mountain Disposal Site, you can find a lot more loot, as well as some helpful stations:
- Hazmat Suits
- My Stash Box
- Weapons Workbench
- Power Armor
- Charging Laser Sniper Rifle
When you enter the disposal site, if you head straight and turn right through the first doorway, and then take a left, you'll find an opening in the wall that leads to a hidden back room. When entering this area, make sure to equip a Hazmat Suit, otherwise you will immediately die from radiation poisoning. This area can provide you with tons of resources and can allow you to gain mutations the longer you're exposed to radiation.
Platform(s) PC , PS4 , Xbox One Released November 14, 2018 Developer(s) Bethesda Genre(s) Action , RPG See at Playstation Store