An extremely talented Fallout fan creates an awesome replica of Lucy MacLean’s Vault 33 backpack, as seen in the recent TV adaptation.
- A talented gamer recreates Lucy MacLean's Vault 33 backpack in real life, as seen in the Fallout TV series.
- Some fans declared it better than Bethesda's official merchandise version of Lucy's backpack.
- The popularity of the TV adaptation has seen many amazing Fallout fan creations emerge as a result.
A talented Fallout fan has recreated Lucy’s Vault 33 backpack, as seen in the recent TV adaptation. The Fallout TV series has taken the world by storm, and it hasn’t taken long for fans to recreate items seen in the show in real life.
Since the release of the Fallout TV show, the franchise has had a massive surge in popularity. Many long-time fans are returning to the games for another playthrough, while new players previously unfamiliar with the series are jumping into various Fallout titles for the first time. As a result, the entire Fallout series has had a big player count boost over the last few weeks, and the hype doesn’t look like dying down any time soon. The release of the Fallout 4 next-gen update should give players plenty to enjoy for the foreseeable future.
Redditor jessilyncupcake shared their impressive recreation of Lucy’s Vault 33 backpack, which also comes with a cool Nuka Cola and fusion core replica, as seen in the show. According to the user, there’s no digital pattern or reference as they made it themselves from scratch. While this does make the creation harder to replicate, it certainly makes the original more unique. In the absence of being able to recreate this exact backpack, players can always use Lucy’s backpack in Fallout 76, instead.
Incredible Fallout Replica of Lucy's Vault 33 Backpack
Some in the thread were so impressed by jessilyncupcake’s creation, that they claimed it was better than the replica that Bethesda is currently charging almost $200 for. One user even said, “Lucy would call this neato, and I’d agree with her!” It’s been great to see the positive response to Lucy, and this backpack is just one example of how fans are paying tribute to the character. In fact, one talented gamer even modded Lucy’s backpack into Fallout 4, which is similar to this.
The ongoing success of the Fallout TV series and the hype it has generated in the mainstream for the franchise has been great to see. More people than ever have been exposed to Fallout and its unique brand of nuclear chaos, which can only be a good thing for the franchise going forward. Recent rumors have emerged that the next Fallout game might release sooner than expected, which would be a massive surprise. Most assumed that a new Fallout game would likely have to wait until at least the 2030s, and if the success of the TV show changes this, then it's more good news for fans of the franchise, although this is purely speculation for the time being.
Franchise Fallout Platform(s) PS4 , Xbox One , PC Released November 10, 2015 Developer(s) Bethesda Publisher(s) Bethesda Genre(s) RPG , Action ESRB M FOR MATURE: BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, STRONG LANGUAGE, USE OF DRUGS Metascore 87