Fallout: New Vegas — Where’s the Missing Laser Pistol?

Struggling to locate the missing laser pistol in the Pistol Packing quest for Fallout: New Vegas? This guide will show you where to find it.

Fallout: New Vegas - Where's the Missing Laser Pistol?

Many quests in the popular post-apocalyptic gameFallout: New Vegas are completely unmarked, meaning they'll only be found by those who go looking for them. One of these involves the Pistol Packing quest, found as you get further into the Hidden Valley region, eventually stumbling into the Hidden Valley bunker filled with Brotherhood of Steel members.

One of these members, Knight Torres, will mention to you that one of the items in her inventory has gone missing, which is a laser pistol. This will unlock the Pistol Packing quest, where players will be given the chance to return the weapon to Knight Torres for a reward in return.

Where to Find Pistol Packing in Fallout: New Vegas


Before you can get started on helping Knight Torres with her predicament, you'll need to find her location. To reach her, you'll want to visit Hidden Valley, which you can find east of Goodsprings and The Devil's Gullet, shown on the map above.

When you arrive here, you'll want to enter into the fenced-in area. There will be three bunker entrances, with one requiring Level 50 Picklocking to open the door, another requiring Level 75, and the last requiring Level 100. The only one that will actually allow access to the bunker to find Knight Torres is the one requiring Level 100 Picklocking.

However, if you want to avoid Picklocking, you can follow a path from the Level 100 bunker to the east, shown above. Follow up the path heading straight, and then make a left. You'll notice a giant crater in the ground with some centaur enemies. In the middle of the crater, there will be a few corpses that you can get items from. One in particular will have a holotape that you'll want to pick up.

Then, return to the bunker. Inside here, open up your Pip-Boy and go under Data, and choose Misc. Play the Mission Statement holotape, where it will tell you the temporary password to get inside. Then, approach the intercom, and choose the 'The better part of valor' option. Once you're inside, you'll eventually be able to meet with Knight Torres on the first level of the bunker.

How to Complete Pistol Packing in Fallout: New Vegas


After you begin talking with Knight Torres, choose the option 'Anything I can help you with?' to begin the quest. After starting, you'll want to follow these instructions:

  • Head over to the Paladin at the firing range right next to Knight Torres. Ask him if he knows anything about the missing weapon.
  • Now, you're going to want to find Initiate Stanton. When leaving the firing range, immediately take a right and then keep going straight. Follow down the path until you spot a door on the left with a glowing yellow ring. Enter inside here, and you'll find Stanton sitting at the desk on the left. If he's not in the classroom, he also sometimes wanders around the first level of the bunker.
  • After talking with Stanton, head back outside the bunker. Then, turn right and follow down the path through the broken fence heading south/southeast to the Scorpion Gulch.
  • Keep following straight down this path, where you'll find a bunch of Bark Scorpions and Giant Radscorpions. Make your way to the pit area at the bottom with more scorpion enemies, and defeat them all.
  • There will be a giant rock in the middle of the area, where you'll find the laser pistol sitting on top of it on the left.
  • Finally, return to the bunker and go up to Knight Torres. After handing the weapon over, she will give you a Tri-beam Laser Rifle as a reward, which is one of the better weapons in the game, and you'll also gain Brotherhood of Steel fame.

Platform(s) PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC Released October 19, 2010 Developer(s) Obsidian Entertainment Genre(s) RPG

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