Genshin Impact: A Ridiculously Common Branch Guide (How To Get & How To Use)

A Ridiculously Common Branch is an item in Genshin Impact that can only be obtained and exchanged if players haven’t completed the quest in Petrichor.

Genshin Impact: A Ridiculously Common Branch Guide (How To Get & How To Use)

When players first arrive in Petrichor in Genshin Impact, they'll see a deserted, empty town where its people don't seem to be entirely there; they spout nonsense about an old war. However, if players are creeped out and wish for this mania to end as soon as possible, they may want to rethink their choices as there are interactions that can only be done while the people are affected by this dream.

A Ridiculously Common Branch in Genshin Impact, for example, is only obtainable before players complete the Canticles of Harmony quest. After completing it and releasing the citizens of Petrichor from the past dream, the item will disappear, and players can no longer redeem the reward it's related to. Fortunately, the reward for this task is not substantial, so it's not much of an issue to miss out on them. If players haven't started on the Canticles of Harmony quest yet, they can find how to get and how to use A Ridiculously Common Branch in Genshin Impact in this article.

A Ridiculously Common Branch Location In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact: A Ridiculously Common Branch Guide (How To Get & How To Use)

There are three locations for A Ridiculously Common Branch in Genshin Impact. First, it's southeast of Goldoni, who's speaking about something called a Lochknights. The branch is hidden under some bushes.

Genshin Impact: A Ridiculously Common Branch Guide (How To Get & How To Use)

Walk a little further east to a house with plenty of fish in its yard. Walk to the tree behind the house and claim the second A Ridiculously Common Branch in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: A Ridiculously Common Branch Guide (How To Get & How To Use)

Next, turn around and walk up the stairs for the third A Ridiculously Common Branch, hiding underneath a tree next to a mailbox and a boy called Moce. Talking to the boy, however, will cause them to be slightly offended, as they believe that they're someone of importance, not a little kid.

How To Use A Ridiculously Common Branch In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact: A Ridiculously Common Branch Guide (How To Get & How To Use)

After getting all three A Ridiculously Common Branch in Genshin Impact, use it by speaking to Giovanni, who's sitting on a rooftop. After talking to him, players will get the option to choose I found a few… This will trigger a submit page, and you must give the man all three branches to proceed.

Giovanni believes that these branches are a bad sign of barbarians, those that once upon a time caused the fall of Remuria. After thanking the players for giving him the evidence, he moves to the spot near Moce, and for the players' contribution, he grants them:

  • Mystic Enhancement Ore x2
  • Guide to Order x2

After Giovanni moves, Moce also shifts slightly further from his original spot. Talking to Giovanni again will unlock a new conversation, especially about Moce.

Genshin Impact: A Ridiculously Common Branch Guide (How To Get & How To Use)

Platform(s) Mobile , iOS , Android , PC , PS4 , PS5 Developer(s) HoYoverse (Formerly miHoYo) Genre(s) RPG , Action , Adventure , Gacha Engine Unity See at Google Play

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