Genshin Impact Players Are Unhappy About New Map Expansion

While Version 4.6 added the final zone of Fontaine, many Genshin Impact players believe it came at an unfortunate cost to another region of Teyvat.

Genshin Impact Players Are Unhappy About New Map Expansion


  • Bayda Harbor and Northern Sumeru lack content or points of interest in the Genshin Impact 4.6 update.
  • Developers seem to have focused resources on the Fontaine expansion, leaving Bayda Harbor empty.
  • Fans are disappointed by the lack of features in the expanded Sumeru zone and hope for future updates.

Some Genshin Impact players feel that HoYoverse missed the mark with the latest map expansion in Version 4.6, as Bayda Harbor and its surroundings are uncharacteristically bereft of any content or points of interest. While the star of Version 4.6 has been Arlecchino and her Story Quest, the new Genshin Impact update also added the last piece of Fontaine – its island town of Petrichor and the underwater ruins of Remuria below.

On top of the Fontaine map expansion and Arlecchino, Version 4.6 also added two new Artifact Sets, and even delivered a second Story Quest for Cyno, one of the most interesting Genshin Impact characters from the Sumeru cast. However, in an effort to make the playable map of Teyvat whole again, Genshin Impact was forced to expand on Sumeru alongside the debut of Petrichor and Remuria. Given that the majority of developer resources were spent on the new Fontaine zone, Bayda Harbor and the northern coastline of Sumeru ended up being empty of any features that normal zones have in Genshin Impact – such as treasure chests, or even waypoints.

Bayda Harbor and Northern Sumeru in Genshin Impact Are Frustratingly Empty

This decision came as a disappointment to many fans, such as WaterImpact, who opened a thread on the main Genshin Impact subreddit to discuss how Bayda Harbor fell short of player expectations. When Sumeru launched after Inazuma, Genshin Impact expanded the northwestern corner of Liyue to properly bridge the new region of Teyvat. While no ambitious quest lines or exploration mechanics were present, it did feature a sprinkling of treasure chests and simple puzzles for players to solve on their way to the nation of Wisdom.

By contrast, even though Genshin Impact players can reach Bayda Harbor by the Waverider, there is nothing remotely useful to be discovered in the new Sumeru zone outside of three treasure chests and some Mint nodes. While this would have been acceptable for a small area, Bayda Harbor and the northern Sumeru coastline make up a zone that's more than half the size of Mondstadt. Some players believe that the emptiness is by design, as HoYoverse could be planning to make dramatic changes to the zone once the other regions of Teyvat are released.

The most likely outcome is that the developers simply had to make a tough call, as not only is Version 4.6 already packed with content, but Version 4.7 is introducing three new characters to Genshin Impact immediately after. Like Version 4.6, it will also feature two new Story Quests, and will even continue Dainsleif's overarching storyline. Though Bayda Harbor pales in comparison to the vibrant towns in Chenyu Vale, there is hope that the zone's emptiness will be addressed in the future once Khaenri'ah and Celestia become the main focus.

Platform(s) Mobile , iOS , Android , PC , PS4 , PS5 Released September 28, 2020 Developer(s) HoYoverse (Formerly miHoYo) Publisher(s) HoYoverse (Formerly miHoYo) See at Google Play

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