Grounded: Red Anthill Location

Red Anthills are home to unique resources like Red Ant Eggs and Rotten Bee Armor. Here’s how you can find them in Grounded.

Grounded: Red Anthill Location

Grounded is an action-adventure survival game where the main character is shrunk to the size of an ant and must strive to survive in their own backyard. The backyard transforms into a massive explorable world, where players can run into various bugs and insects, like ants, bees, spiders, dust mites, and more.

Red Ants are one of the first creatures players are most likely to encounter in Grounded. They are neutral creatures that wander aimlessly in search of food and smaller creatures to prey on. Interestingly, Red Worker Ants are the main source of Red Ant Eggs which are used to craft explosives, like Bratburst. To find these Red Ant Eggs, you will need to venture deep into a Red Anthill.

Where To Find A Red Anthill

Grounded: Red Anthill Location

Anthills are essentially caves that host a colony of a particular species of ants and contain unique resources like marble and quartzite. Red Anthills are specifically home to Red Worker Ants and contain their precious Red Ant Eggs.

The Red Anthill can be found in the northwest area of the backyard, near the border of the Central Grasslands and the Haze. It is currently the third-largest Anthill in the game and the only place where you can find Red Ant Eggs. There are multiple rooms in this cave, such as the main chambers, egg rooms, and treasure room.

The treasure room is located deep within the Red Anthil and contains a BURG.L Chip, an Ice Cap Mint, and a Sturdy Quartzite. Apart from these, you can find the following items in a Red Anthill:

  • Rotten Bee Armor (Face Mask, Shin Guards, Shoulder Pads)
  • Brittle Quartzite Shard
  • Study Quartzite Shard
  • Brittle Marble Shard
  • Mint Shard
  • Pebblet
  • Slime Mold Stalk
  • Fungal Growth

Unfortunately, you will not be able to enter a Red Anthill or explore its many rooms without wearing a full set of Red Ant Armor.

How To Craft Red Ant Armor

Grounded: Red Anthill Location

The Red Ant Armor is crafted from red ant parts. It comprises three different pieces, namely the Red Ant Helmet, Red Ant Arm Guards, and Red Ant Knee Guards.

You unlock the recipe for these parts when you closely examine the Red Ant Part and reach Brainpower Level 2. The crafting recipe for each of the pieces is given in the table below.

Armor Piece

Required Materials

Crafting Station

Red Ant Helmet

1 Red Ant Head 3 Red Ant Parts 5 Mite Fuzz


Red Ant Arm Guards

5 Red Ant Parts 2 Acid Glands 2 Mite Fuzz


Red Ant Knee Guards

6 Red Ant Parts 2 Crude Rope 4 Mite Fuzz


The Red Ant Armor will protect you from Red Soldier Ants unless you attack them, or they spot you stealing Red Ant Eggs.

Platform(s) PS5 , Xbox Series X|S , Nintendo Switch , PS4 , Xbox One , PC Released September 27, 2022 Developer(s) Obsidian Entertainment Publisher(s) Xbox Game Studios Genre(s) Survival Horror , RPG

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