How to Get Burmy Variations in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO’s Bug Out event is all set to feature Plant, Sandy, and Trash Burmy and its evolution, and here is all players need to know.

How to Get Burmy Variations in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO fans have a golden opportunity to get their hands on all the Burmy forms, alongside a chance to catch on Wormadam and Mothim. The fan-favorite Bug Out event is back, and players are eagerly looking forward to catching some exciting Bug-type Pokemon.

Apart from the several Pokemon featured in this event, one of the highlights is the shiny rate boosts to both Combee and Burmy. Burmy is one of the unique Pokemon, considering that it has different forms. Apart from having the chance to get all of them, they can also get avatar items such as earrings of different Burmy forms, along with a Male and Female Combee bag. Here is how to get each of the Burmy forms in Pokemon GO, and evolve them into Wormadam and Mothim.

How To Find Plant Cloak, Sandy Cloak & Trash Cloak Burmy

How to Get Burmy Variations in Pokemon GO

It can be a bit tricky to get your hands on different variants of Burmy, considering the fact that their spawn varies quite a bit. It might be possible that a particular variant doesn't even spawn altogether in your area, but with the boosts associated with the Bug Out event, it shouldn't be that difficult to come across one. Here is where to find every Burmy form.



Burmy (Plant Cloak)

Grassy areas such as forests and parks.

Burmy (Sandy Cloak)

Beaches and deserts.

Burmy (Trash Cloak)

Cities and towns.

How To Get Plant Cloak, Sandy Cloak & Trash Cloak Wormadam

How to Get Burmy Variations in Pokemon GO

Depending on which Burmy players evolve, they will get a different version of Wormadam. The colors of the different Wormadam closely represent the Burmy, so players should be able to identify them with ease. What's interesting is that evolving Burmy also adds a new type to each of the forms, giving players a new set of strengths and weaknesses to rely on.


How To Evolve



Burmy (Plant Cloak)

Use 50 Burmy Candy

Wormadam (Plant)


Burmy (Sandy Cloak)

Use 50 Burmy Candy

Wormadam (Sandy)


Burmy (Trash Cloak)

Use 50 Burmy Candy

Wormadam (Trash)


How To Get Mothim in Pokemon GO

How to Get Burmy Variations in Pokemon GO

Unlike the female version of Burmy, the male version doesn't evolve into different variants. This means that irrespective of whichever male Burmy the player evolves (Plant Cloak, Sandy Cloak, or Trash Cloak), they will always get a Mothim in the end. Obviously, if players evolve a shiny male Burmy, they will get a shiny male Mothim. In short, a female version of Mothim doesn't exist, nor do the different variants. Additionally, Mothim is a Bug and Flying-type Pokemon, unlike Burmy, which is a Bug-type Pokemon only.

Franchise Pokemon Platform(s) iOS , Android Released July 6, 2016 Developer(s) Niantic , The Pokemon Company

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