How to Get Durasteel & Scrap Durasteel In LEGO Fortnite

Both Scrap Durasteel and Durasteel are important for crafting Star Wars weapons and tools in LEGO Fortnite, so here is how to get them.

How to Get Durasteel & Scrap Durasteel In LEGO Fortnite

The Star Wars and LEGO Fortnite crossover has sparked the emergence of all new content into the popular survival game mode. From finding and upgrading the Rebel Outpost to taking on Imperal forces with a Lightsaber, the v29.40 update has more than delivered in its effort to spice up gameplay. However, the arrival of Star Wars-themed weapons also sees the debut of new crafting recipes to obtain them.

Similar to Battle Royale, weapons such as the Wookie Bowcaster and E-11 Blasters are now present in LEGO Fortnite. However, unlike their Battle Royale counterparts, these weapons will remain permanently available within the Star Wars Island. Enter Scrap Durasteel and Durasteel, two resources essential for crafting Star Wars items and weapons.

How to Get Scrap Durasteel


Scrap Durasteel is a fairly common resource exclusive to the Star Wars Island in LEGO Fortnite, it can be obtained by harvesting Rebel and Imperial structures scattered around the map.

While clearing the debris from around the Rebel Outpost will grant gamers plenty of Scrap Durasteel, crashed spacecraft like X-Wings and TIE Fighters, as well as structures within Imperial Bunkers, will also drop this useful resource. Each structure can be mined quite effectively with a Pickaxe of any rarity, making acquiring Scrap Durasteel relatively straightforward.

How to Craft Durasteel


While Scrap Durasteel is a fairly abundant resource, its primary function is to simply be converted into Durasteel using a Metal Smelter. To construct a Metal Smelter, players will need:

  • 15 Brightcore: found within Caves/Imperial Bunkers in the Dry Valley biome
  • 35 Obsidian Slabs:crafted with Obsidian using the Stone Breaker
  • 3 Blast Cores: dropped by eliminated Blasters

Once the Metal Smelter is built, players can utilize it to craft Durasteel, which requires only 2 units of Scrap Durasteel, making it an affordable resource. Through the use of Durasteel, players can then craft a variety of items like Macrobinoculars via a Rebel Workbench in LEGO Fortnite.

Franchise LEGO Platform(s) Switch , PC , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , PS5 , PS4 , Mobile Released December 7, 2023 Developer(s) Epic Games Genre(s) Survival See at Epic Games Store

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