How to Get Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

The classic Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas is a highly coveted item. This guide will show you a couple of methods you can use to get it.

How to Get Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

The Ranger Armor in the post-apocalyptic game Fallout: New Vegas is the classic armor that you see advertised in the game, with heavy protection and a long brown coat. There are actually a few ways to get your hands on this armor, whether you prefer to take it from an NCR Ranger, or pick it up from one of their safehouses.

If you're wondering how you can get your hands on this armor, even if you are still in the early stages of the game, we will show you both methods and how to execute them. The armor itself is very useful as well, and can serve as your suit of choice for the rest of the game.

How to Get Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

How to Get Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

If you're looking to get the Ranger Combat Armor, the outfits worn specifically by NCR Veteran Rangers, there are two methods you can use: kill an NCR Ranger and take their suit, or get one from the NCR Ranger Safehouse, with two suits inside. We will show you how you can complete both options.

Where to Find NCR Veteran Rangers


In order to utilize this method, you'll need to find yourself an NCR Veteran Ranger, and kill them. These enemies will only start appearing once you've gotten deeper into the NCR storyline and visited the NCR Embassy. NCR Veteran Rangers will specifically start showing up after you complete the main quest, Kings' Gambit, given to you by Ambassador Crocker.

Keep in mind that this method should only be used if you plan on not siding with the NCR faction, since killing an NCR Veteran Ranger can put you in a bad standing with the group. If you want to use this method, however, you can easily find some NCR Veteran Rangers at:

  • Camp Golf (North of Lake Las Vegas, south of Vault 34)
  • Camp Forlorn Hope (North of the city of Nelson, south of Cazador Nest)
  • Ranger Station Charlie (South of REPCONN Test Site, west of Techatticup Mine)

Once you've defeated an NCR Veteran Ranger, you can pick up their armor by looting them and grabbing the NCR Ranger Combat Armor and Ranger Helmet pieces.

Where to Find NCR Ranger Safehouse


If you want to build a good relationship with the NCR, then grabbing some of their armor from their safehouse will be the better option for you. To do this, you will first need to build your reputation with the NCR to at least 'Liked'. This can be done by completing NCR side quests, especially the Boulder City Showdown which can give you a massive boost to your reputation.

You can find this side quest in the Boulder City Ruins, found west of the Hoover Dam, and east of Vault 11. In this quest, you'll want to ensure you at least side with the NCR troopers, either by killing the Khans or negotiating with them to free the hostages and leave. You can find a few other side quests at Camp McCarran to raise your reputation, which you can find northeast of Vault 3 and west of Aerotech Office Park.

Then, you'll need to get the NCR Safehouse Key to have access to it. Make your way to Camp McCarran and head to the bottom floor where you can find Colonel James Hsu in one of the offices. He will give you the key to the safehouse, which you can find just south of REPCONN Headquarters and west of Vault 11. Inside, you'll find the NCR Ranger Combat Armor and NCR Ranger Patrol Armor, but they won't be in great condition, so you'll need to repair them soon.

Ranger Armor Stats in Fallout: New Vegas

How to Get Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

The NCR Ranger Combat Armor is one of the best you can find in the game. Its stats are as follows:

  • DT (Damage Threshold): 20
  • Item HP: 600
  • Effects: NCR Disguise
  • Value: 7500
  • Weight: 30
  • Class: Medium

The Ranger Armor also comes with the Ranger Helmet, which has the following stats:

  • DT: 4
  • Item HP: 100
  • Value: 999
  • Weight: 3

With this armor equipped, you'll be incredibly well-protected, and the item will last you a long time when at full health. It should be noted that the Ranger Armor is of medium class, meaning it will slightly slow down your character and can make a bit more noise when sneaking, which can cause issues if you focused on sneaking in your skills. Despite this, it is still one of the best in the game that you can get easily, making it one of the more accessible options.

Platform(s) PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC Released October 19, 2010 Developer(s) Obsidian Entertainment Genre(s) RPG

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