Summoning dinosaurs in Ark: Survival Ascended is pretty straightforward. Here’s how you can do it.
Ark: Survival Ascended is a popular adventure survival video game made by Studio Wildcard. The game was released in 2023 as early access and is the remake of the beloved 2015 survival game, Ark: Survival Evolved. The game introduces players to a prehistoric world of tribes where you have to explore, hunt, fight, and craft a variety of weapons and armor to survive.
Dinosaurs are a big part of the charm of Ark: Survival Ascended. Not only are they cool companions to have in the massive world, but they can also help you gather resources, travel, and fight enemies. In this handy guide, we will show you how to spawn any dinosaur in Ark: Survival Ascended.
How to Spawn Any Dinosaur in Ark: Survival Ascended
From terrestrial dinosaurs to flying and even aquatic ones, there are many types of dinosaurs in Ark: Survival Ascended. You can find them in different regions of the game map, and some of them have specific spawn locations. No matter which dinosaur you want, you can summon any dinosaur in Ark: Survival Ascended just by entering a specific code in the console.
Before you start summoning dinosaurs in Ark: Survival Ascended, there are a few things you need to do. First, turn on console commands in the game through these steps:
- Go to Settings from your main screen.
- Click on the Advanced Tab.
- Activate console access from the list.
- When playing a multiplayer game, make sure you have admin access to use console commands.
Once console commands are enabled, go back to the game and press the ‘~’ key to open the commands bar and enter the code: “summon [Dino ID]”
Every dinosaur in Ark: Survival Ascended has a unique ID that follows the format of“dinosaur name_character_BP_C”, which can be used to spawn that particular dino. Summon commands are not case-sensitive, so you don’t have to worry about capitalization. Furthermore, the command bar also shows suggestions as you type, so you can quickly choose the dinosaur you want.
All Dinosaur IDs in Ark: Survival Ascended
From terrestrial dinos to alpha ones, you can find the ID for every dino below:
Dinosaur |
ID |
Achatina |
Achatina_Character_BP_C |
Allosaurus |
Allo_Character_BP_C |
Ankylosaurus |
Ankylo_Character_BP_C |
Araneo |
SpiderS_Character_BP_C |
Arthropluera |
Arthro_Character_BP_C |
Baryonyx |
Baryonyx_Character_BP_C |
Beelzebufo |
Toad_Character_BP_C |
Brontosaurus |
Sauropod_Character_BP_C |
Carbonemys |
Turtle_Character_BP_C |
Carcharodontosaurus |
Carcha_Character_BP_C |
Carnotaurus |
Carno_Character_BP_C |
Castoroides |
Beaver_Character_BP_C |
Chalicotherium |
Chalico_Character_BP_C |
Compy |
Compy_Character_BP_C |
Daeodon |
Daeodon_Character_BP_C |
Dilophosaur |
Dilo_Character_BP_C |
Dimetrodon |
Dimetro_Character_BP_C |
Diplocaulus |
Diplocaulus_Character_BP_C |
Diplodocus |
Diplodocus_Character_BP_C |
Dire Bear |
Direbear_Character_BP_C |
Direwolf |
Direwolf_Character_BP_C |
Dodo |
Dodo_Character_BP_C |
Doedicurus |
Doed_Character_BP_C |
Dung Beetle |
DungBeetle_Character_BP_C |
Equus |
Equus_Character_BP_C |
Gallimimus |
Galli_Character_BP_C |
Giant Bee |
Bee_Character_BP_C |
Giant Queen Bee |
Bee_Queen_Character_BP_C |
Giganotosaurus |
Gigant_Character_BP_C |
Gigantopithecus |
Bigfoot_Character_BP_C |
Hesperornis |
Hesperornis_Character_BP_C |
Hyaenodon |
Hyaenodon_Character_BP_C |
Iguanodon |
Iguanodon_Character_BP_C |
Kairuku |
Kairuku_Character_BP_C |
Kaprosuchus |
Kaprosuchus_Character_BP_C |
Kentrosaurus |
Kentro_Character_BP_C |
Leech |
Leech_Character_BP_C |
Lystrosaurus |
Lystro_Character_BP_C |
Mammoth |
Mammoth_Character_BP_C |
Megalania |
Megalania_Character_BP_C |
Megaloceros |
Stag_Character_BP_C |
Megalosaurus |
Megalosaurus_Character_BP_C |
Megatherium |
Megatherium_Character_BP_C |
Mesopithecus |
Monkey_Character_BP_C |
Moschops |
Moschops_Character_BP_C |
Otter |
Otter_Character_BP_C |
Oviraptor |
Oviraptor_Character_BP_C |
Ovis |
Sheep_Character_BP_C |
Pachy |
Pachy_Character_BP_C |
Pachyrhinosaurus |
Pachyrhino_Character_BP_C |
Paraceratherium |
Paracer_Character_BP_C |
Parasaur |
Para_Character_BP_C |
Pegomastax |
Pegomastax_Character_BP_C |
Phiomia |
Phiomia_Character_BP_C |
Procoptodon |
Procoptodon_Character_BP_C |
Pulminoscorpius |
Scorpion_Character_BP_C |
Purlovia |
Purlovia_Character_BP_C |
Raptor |
Raptor_Character_BP_C |
Rex |
Rex_Character_BP_C |
Sabertooth |
Saber_Character_BP_C |
Sarco |
Sarco_Character_BP_C |
Spino |
Spino_Character_BP_C |
Stegosaurus |
Stego_Character_BP_C |
Terror Bird |
TerrorBird_Character_BP_C |
Therizinosaur |
Therizino_Character_BP_C |
Thylacoleo |
Thylacoleo_Character_BP_C |
Titanoboa |
BoaFrill_Character_BP_C |
Titanomyrma |
Ant_Character_BP_C |
Titanosaur |
Titanosaur_Character_BP_C |
Triceratops |
Trike_Character_BP_C |
Troodon |
Troodon_Character_BP_C |
Woolly Rhino |
Rhino_Character_BP_C |
Yutyrannus |
Yutyrannus_Character_BP_C |
Dinosaur |
ID |
Ammonite |
Ammonite_Character_BP_C |
Anglerfish |
Angler_Character_BP_C |
Basilosaurus |
Basilosaurus_Character_BP_C |
Cnidaria |
Cnidaria_Character_BP_C |
Coelacanth |
Coel_Character_BP_C |
Dunkleosteus |
Dunkle_Character_BP_C |
Electrophorus |
Eel_Character_BP_C |
Eurypterid |
Euryp_Character_BP_C |
Leedsichthys |
Leedsichthys_Character_BP_C |
Liopleurodon |
Liopleurodon_Character_BP_C |
Manta |
Manta_Character_BP_C |
Megalodon |
Megalodon_Character_BP_C |
Mosasaurus |
Mosa_Character_BP_C |
Piranha |
Piranha_Character_BP_C |
Plesiosaur |
Plesiosaur_Character_BP_C |
Sabertooth Salmon |
Salmon_Character_BP_C |
Trilobite |
Trilobite_Character_BP_C |
Tusoteuthis |
Tusoteuthis_Character_BP_C |
Dinosaur |
ID |
Archaeopteryx |
Archa_Character_BP_C |
Argentavis |
Argent_Character_BP_C |
Dimorphodon |
Dimorph_Character_BP_C |
Ichthyornis |
Ichthyornis_Character_BP_C |
Ichthyosaurus |
Dolphin_Character_BP_C |
Meganeura |
Dragonfly_Character_BP_C |
Microraptor |
Microraptor_Character_BP_C |
Onyc |
Bat_Character_BP_C |
Pelagornis |
Pela_Character_BP_C |
Pteranodon |
Ptero_Character_BP_C |
Quetzal |
Quetz_Character_BP_C |
Rhyniognatha |
Rhynio_Character_BP_C |
Tapejara |
Tapejara_Character_BP_C |
Titanomyrma (Soldier) |
FlyingAnt_Character_BP_C |
Dinosaur |
ID |
Bunny Dodo |
Dodo_Character_BP_Bunny_C |
Party Dodo |
Dodo_Character_BP_Birthday_C |
Zomdodo |
ZombieDodo_Character_BP_C |
DodoRex |
DodoRex_Character_BP_C |
Valentine's Coelacanth |
Coel_Character_BP_VDay_C |
Deep Sea Valentine's Coelacanth |
Coel_Character_BP_VDay_Ocean_C |
Bunny Oviraptor |
BunnyOviraptor_Character_BP_C |
Rex Ghost |
Ghost_Rex_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Bronto |
Bone_Sauropod_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Carnotaurus |
Bone_MegaCarno_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Giganotosaurus |
Bone_Gigant_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Quetzel |
Bone_Quetz_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Raptor |
Bone_MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Rex |
Bone_MegaRex_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Stegosaurus |
Bone_Stego_Character_BP_C |
Skeletal Trike |
Bone_Trike_Character_BP_C |
Super Turkey |
Turkey_Character_BP_C |
Dinosaur |
ID |
Alpha Carno |
MegaCarno_Character_BP_C |
Alpha Leedsichthys |
Alpha_Leedsichthys_Character_BP_C |
Alpha Megalodon |
MegaMegalodon_Character_BP_C |
Alpha Mosasaurus |
Mosa_Character_BP_Mega_C |
Alpha Raptor |
MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C |
Alpha Rex |
MegaRex_Character_BP_C |
Alpha Tusoteuthis |
Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP_C |
Creature |
ID |
Broodmother Lysrix |
SpiderL_Character_BP_C |
Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) |
SpiderL_Character_BP_Easy_C |
Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) |
SpiderL_Character_BP_Medium_C |
Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) |
SpiderL_Character_BP_Hard_C |
Dragon |
Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_C |
Dragon (Gamma) |
Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy_C |
Dragon (Beta) |
Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_C |
Dragon (Alpha) |
Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard_C |
Megapithecus |
Gorilla_Character_BP_C |
Megapithecus (Gamma) |
Gorilla_Character_BP_Easy_C |
Megapithecus (Beta) |
Gorilla_Character_BP_Medium_C |
Megapithecus (Alpha) |
Gorilla_Character_BP_Hard_C |
Overseer |
EndBoss_Character_BP_C |
Overseer (Gamma) |
EndBoss_Character_BP_Easy_C |
Overseer (Beta) |
EndBoss_Character_BP_Medium_C |
Overseer (Alpha) |
EndBoss_Character_BP_Hard_C |
Summoning Tamed Dinosaurs
If you want to summon a tamed dinosaur, you will need to change the code as follows:
“GMSummon [Dino ID][level]”
The highest possible level for a tamed creature is 150, so make sure to use that if you want to summon a powerful dinosaur. If you don’t include the dinosaur’s level in the code, a dinosaur of a random level will spawn near you.
Platform(s) PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released October 26, 2023 Developer(s) Studio Wildcard Publisher(s) Studio Wildcard Genre(s) Survival , Open-World See at Steam