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- Infinity Nikki: Pespa Location
- Infinity Nikki: Pepsa Stylist Challenge
Pepsa is a regular member of the Great Meadows stylist faction in Infinity Nikki, and players will need to challenge her if they hope to reach the Sovereign of Elegant. The first step toward challenging Pepsa is finding her, and some players may be confused about where they should look. This guide is here to alleviate that confusion, and details about Pepsa’s location in Infinity Nikki can be found in what follows.
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Players will speak with Pepsa during the Need 99 Pearl Wings… side quest in Infinity Nikki .
Infinity Nikki: Pespa Location
Players who are looking for Pepsa should turn their attention to the Cicia Art Academy Field Base in Breezy Meadow. For the uninitiated, that location is just southwest of the town of Florawish, and its precise position has been marked on the following maps.
After reaching the Cicia Art Academy Field Base, Infinity Nikki players should approach the east side of the building. Here, fans will find Pepsa, who is reading a book near a door, and they can speak with her to initiate the stylist challenge.
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Infinity Nikki: Pepsa Stylist Challenge
With respect to how to win the stylist challenge against Pepsa, the key is to get a high Fresh score. More specifically, players who want to complete the challenge with a Perfect rating will need to reach a Styling Score of 8,000. Fans who achieve that score will receive 100 Shiny Bubbles, a sketch of the Morning Greetings, and 30 Diamonds in Infinity Nikki.
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To note, the first item to appear in each category when selecting an outfit for a stylist challenge is always the best option. Indeed, fans who scroll through the categories after challenging Pepsa should find that the items with the highest Fresh stat are always listed first. This makes it quite easy to put together the best outfit, as players must simply select the first item from each category.
Things do get a bit more complicated with accessories, though, as a maximum of five can be equipped for a stylist challenge. As such, fans may need to compare accessories across categories as they attempt to determine which five they should equip.
If, after putting together the best outfit, a player is still not hitting 8,000 score, they may need to use their Pear-Pal’s Glow Up feature to upgrade some of their Fresh-focused items. Indeed, those upgrades provide big stat boosts, which will allow fans to get a Perfect rating. Additionally, players could venture into Infinity Nikki‘s Realm of Eureka in an attempt to earn Eurekas with high Fresh stats.
✕ Remove Ads Platform(s) PlayStation 5 , PlayStation 4 , PC , Mobile , Android , iOS Released December 5, 2024 Developer(s) Papergames , Infold Games