Medieval Dynasty: How To Clean Your Character

In the settlement-building survival game Medieval Dynasty, players need to concern themselves with more than just getting a roof over their head and a steady supply of food and water. Alongside building a village for others to call home, there are also quite a few social tasks you'll need to fulfill to progress through the story. This will require, of course, that your character be presentable and appear to be someone worth talking to.

One possible obstacle to starting up conversations in Medieval Dynasty is the scruffy and unkept appearance of your character. If you find yourself less than approachable due to your hygiene, then you will need to resolve the matter before you can talk to some of the game's NPCs. WIth this in mind, a knowledge of what the dirty status does and how to clean your character in Medieval Dynasty will ensure this never stops you from reaching your settlement-building goals.

What Is Dirty Status in Medieval Dynasty?

Medieval Dynasty: How To Clean Your Character

The dirty status in Medieval Dynasty is, as the name would suggest, an indication of how unclean your character is. Naturally, braving the elements, hunting animals, and exploring the world by yourself or with your friends can certainly lead to a build up of sweat and dirt, which will be unappealing to villagers you want to interact with. Players with too high of a dirty status will be unable to talk to NPCs until they have cleaned themselves.

Players can check how dirty their player is in the inventory section of Medieval Dynasty. In the bottom-right corner you will find all the Character Parameters, such as health, hunger, thirst, and weather resistance, along with dirtiness, which is the final parameter listed. Once your character reaches 30% dirtiness, the game HUD will inform you that you are dirty, so you should consider resolving this as soon as possible.

How To Clean Yourself in Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty: How To Clean Your Character

To improve your social opportunities, players will want to remove their dirty status by cleaning themselves. This is a simple task and is instantaneous, so you shouldn't have any trouble resolving the matter if you are near a body of water. To clean yourself, simply walk into a river or body of water until it is at least at waist height. There won't be any audio cues or notices that you've removed your dirty status, but you will see if it was successful by simply opening the inventory and checking the Character Parameter to ensure it is back to 0%.

Platform(s) PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released December 17, 2020 Developer Render Cube Publisher Toplitz Productions, GS2 Games Inc Genre(s) Open-World , Strategy

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